
[GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition Ver.1.03]アップデート内容について(2025/3/12)

『GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition』において以下の不具合修正を行うアップデートパッチVer1.03を3月13日に予定しているメンテナンス後に配信いたします。














アップデートの内容や時期につきましては今後も弊社公式X等でお伝えいたします。 今後とも『GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition』をよろしくお願いいたします。

[GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition Ver.1.03] Patch Notes (2025/3/12)

An update for Guilty Gear -Strive- Nintendo Switch Edition to Ver. 1.03 will be released on March 13 with fixes for the in-game issues listed below.

Battle Related

・Fixed an issue making it impossible to select colors 7 to 12 for Queen Dizzy from the character select screen.


・Fixed other minor issues.

As compensation for the February 18 maintenance, along with the issue fixes this update will distribute 200,000W$ to all players. Thank you for your patience.

*The W$ will be available from after maintenance March 13, 2025 until April 30, 2025.
*The W$ will be added automatically when accessing the main menu while connected to the internet.

We are currently still working on fixing the following issues:

・Issues occur with audio playback during some scenes in Story Mode.

・Initiated matches may experience performance issues when too many people are present within the same room for Player Match mode.

・A player who didn’t make any inputs within the Player Match room might leave the room involuntarily when certain inputs are made while other players are entering or exiting the room.

・While in Online Mode, players may experience performance issues when opening Button Settings (during a match) within the Game Settings menu under certain circumstances.

・Some “News” items unintentionally display the default content.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience to the players.

We will share details on future updates on the official X account. Thank you for your continued support of Guilty Gear -Strive- Nintendo Switch Edition.

[길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition Ver.1.03] 업데이트 내용에 대하여(2025/3/12)

『길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition』의 오류 수정을 위해 Ver1.03 업데이트 패치를 3월 13일에 실시합니다.

배틀 관련

・캐릭터 선택 화면에서 「퀸 디지」의 컬러 7~12를 선택할 수 없었던 오류를 수정하였습니다.


・그 밖에 경미한 오류를 수정하였습니다.

또, 2월 18일의 임시 점검 이후 예정되었던 사과의 「W$」배포에 대해서 이번 오류 수정과 더불어 모든 플레이어 여러분께 「200,000W$」를 배포합니다.

※본 W$의 배포 기간은 2025년 3월 13일 점검 종료 후 ~ 2025년 4월 30일까지입니다.
※W$는 인터넷에 접속한 상태로 메인 메뉴 접근 시 자동적으로 부여됩니다.

이하의 오류에 대해서는 지속적으로 검토 및 수정 대응을 진행하고 있습니다.

・「스토리 모드」의 일부 장면에서 재생되는 음성이 올바르게 재생되지 않는 현상

・「플레이어 매치」에 룸 내 플레이어의 수가 많은 상태로 대전을 실시할 경우 대전 동작이 무거워지는 현상

・「플레이어 매치」에서 룸 내에 여러 플레이어가 있는 상태에서 특정 조작으로 입실 혹은 퇴실 시, 조작하지 않은 룸 내의 다른 플레이어가 퇴실 되는 현상

・「온라인 모드」 중 특정 상황에서「게임 설정」의 「버튼 설정 (배틀 시)」을 열 경우 동작이 무거워지는 현상

・「뉴스」의 일부 내용이 최신이 아닌 기본 내용으로 표시되는 현상

플레이어 여러분께 불편을 끼치게 되어 죄송합니다. 여러분의 너른 양해 부탁드립니다.

업데이트 내용 및 시기에 관해서는 앞으로도 당사의 공식 X계정 등을 통해 안내 드리도록 하겠습니다.
앞으로도 「길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition」에 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

「UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes」[Ver.1.22]アップデート内容について

ARC WORLD TOURの決勝大会が控えていることを踏まえて、キャラクター個別の弱体化に繋がる不具合修正は避け、必要最小限の変更に留めています。




対戦相手との通信状況表示(Ping値)の表示がおかしくなっていた不具合を修正しました。 ※Steamのみ


リプレイアシストプラスを行った際に、リプレイアシストで記憶したダミーの動作が正しく再生されないことがあった不具合を修正しました。 ※Steamのみ






【アルマ ベルム(しゃがみ)】(↓+B+C)が相手の飛び道具と相殺したとき、EX必殺技にキャンセルできなかった不具合を修正しました。


空中【無ノ帳】(空中→↓↘+AorBorC)や (B+C>↓+B+C) or (空中B+C>↓+B+C)の使用後、相手が左右どちらに入れてもガードが可能になってしまっていた不具合を修正しました。




※3/7現在、PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5のみ、アカツキの上記不具合が未修正であることを確認しております。できるだけ早く修正できるよう努めます。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。(3/10追記:[Ver.1.23]アップデートにて修正済み)


「UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes」[Ver.1.22]Patch Notes

This update to Version 1.22 consists of fixes for minor issues.
Given the upcoming finals tournament for ARC WORLD TOUR, we have avoided any issue fixes that could end up weakening individual characters and kept changes to a minimum.

General Updates

Changed Battle Version to 1.22.
Made minor fixes to text.
Fixed other minor issues.

Network Mode Changes

Fixed an issue causing the connection signal indicator (ping value) with the opponent to display incorrectly. *Steam only

Replay Mode Changes

Fixed an issue causing the dummy behavior registered with Replay Assist to playback incorrectly sometimes when using Replay Assist Plus. *Steam only

Battle Related Changes

Fixed an issue where it was still possible to perform additional attacks after whiffing Steer Ender during a combo.
This was unintended behavior caused by the previous fix to prevent it becoming unnaturally impossible to land additional attacks when a placed object hits after Steer Ender is blocked.


Fixed an issue making it impossible to cancel into EX special moves when [Strict Daze] (B+C) clashes with an opponent’s projectile.


Fixed an issue making it impossible to cancel into EX special moves when [Armabellum (Crouching)] (↓+B+C) clashes with an opponent’s projectile.


Fixed an issue making it possible for the opponent to block with either left or right inputs after performing Aerial [Mantle of Nothingness] (→↓↘+AorBorC mid-air) or (B+C>↓+B+C) or (B+C>↓+B+C mid-air).


Fixed an issue causing the Dryly Bomb attached to the opponent with [I’ve Got You!] (→↘↓↙←→+AorBorC) to disappear and the icon to deactivate after hitting with Infinite Worth or Infinite Worth EXS.
Fixed a visual error caused when the EX special move [Hit the Showers!] (↓↘→+C mid-air) hits after clashing 5 times with a projectile.
Fixed an issue causing the projectile part of the EX special move [I’ll Show You!] (↓↓+B+C) to follow the character.


Fixed an issue causing unintended neutral jump attacks after performing Chain Shift after a neutral double jump and then double jumping again.
※Today, March 6th, we have confirmed the above issue on the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game. We will implement a fix as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.(3/9 note: Fixed in [Ver. 1.23] update)

[GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition] 確認されている不具合について(2025/2/21)

いつも『GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition』をプレイいただき、誠にありがとうございます。












今後とも『GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-』をよろしくお願い申し上げます。

[GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition Ver.1.02] Known Issues (February 20, 2025)

Thank you for playing GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition.

We have identified and confirmed the following issues for Guilty Gear -Strive- Nintendo Switch Edition Ver.1.02.

Issue of Queen Dizzy’s Unavailable Character Color No. 7~12

This is an issue of character color no. 7~12 of Queen Dizzy being unavailable in the character select screen.

We have already developed a fix for this issue and are currently preparing to deliver an update to address this in the coming days.
We apologize to all our dedicated players for the inconvenience caused.

Other Issues

We are currently still working on addressing the following in-game issues.

・Issues occur with audio playback during some scenes in Story Mode.

・Initiated matches may experience performance issues when too many people are present within the same room for Player Match mode.

・A player who didn’t make any inputs within the Player Match room might leave the room involuntarily when certain inputs are made while other players are entering or exiting the room.

・While in Online Mode, players may experience performance issues when opening Button Settings (during a match) within the Game Settings menu under certain circumstances.

We will make another announcement regarding when additional fixes will be implemented.

We will continue to work hard to improve the gameplay experience.
Thank you for your continued support for GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition.

[길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition Ver.1.02] 확인된 오류에 대하여 (2025/2/21)

언제나 『길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition』을 플레이해 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.

현재 <길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition> Ver.1.02에서 이하의 오류를 확인하였습니다.

퀸 디지의 컬러 7~12를 선택할 수 없는 현상

캐릭터 선택이 가능해진 퀸 디지의 컬러 7~12를 선택할 수 없는 현상입니다.

본 현상에 대해서는 수정 개발 작업이 완료된 상황이며, 근시일 내에 수정 업데이트 배포를 준비하고 있습니다.
플레이어 여러분께 불편을 끼치게 되어 죄송합니다.


이전 부터 확인 된 이하의 오류에 대해서는 지속적으로 검토 및 수정 대응을 진행하고 있습니다.

・「스토리 모드」의 일부 장면에서 재생되는 음성이 올바르게 재생되지 않는 현상

・「플레이어 매치」에 룸 내 플레이어의 수가 많은 상태로 대전을 실시할 경우 대전 동작이 무거워지는 현상

・「플레이어 매치」에서 룸 내에 복수의 플레이어가 있는 상태에서 특정 조작으로 입실 혹은 퇴실 시, 조작을 실시하지 않은 룸 내의 다른 플레이어가 퇴실 되는 현상

・「온라인 모드」 중 특정 상황에서「게임 설정」의 「버튼 설정 (배틀시)」을 열 경우 동작이 무거워지는 현상

수정 예정일에 관하여서는 추후 다시 공지드릴 예정입니다.

저희는 계속해서 여러분이 쾌적한 환경에서 플레이하실 수 있도록 개선해 나가겠습니다.
앞으로도 「길티기어 -스트라이브- Nintendo Switch Edition」을 잘 부탁드립니다.

「UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes」[Ver.1.21]Patch Notes

In this update to Version 1.21, we’ve added the new character Ogre and made balance adjustments to existing characters and game mechanics.

Changes Outside of Battle

Please refer to the “Battle Related Adjustments” section for an overview of the game balance changes and the intentions behind them.
We’ve also made a highly requested update to improve the connection antenna display for online play and added new features to Replay Assist.
These improvements make Replay Assist more user-friendly for all of the players enjoying the feature.
We will continue to work on future updates to keep making the game experience better than ever.

Overall Changes

Added new battle character, Ogre.
Added Stage, BGM, Customize Items, and Titles related to Ogre.
Added a feature under Options to toggle subtitle display for in-battle interactions and victory dialogue on or off.
Added “Master Volume” under Options. This allows you to change the overall volume level.
Added multiple new Titles under Customization.
Added new illustration to the Gallery.
Added a “Start Over” feature to Single Player modes. This makes it easier to practice modes such as Score Attack.
Added feature allowing the player to move the cursor 10 times at once with an up or down input when selecting colors from Character Select.
Adjusted layout for information such as victory count and victory streak shown during the victory animation. This adjustment makes it more readable for all languages.
The battle version is now displayed before matches begin. The current version is 1.21.
The Command List now shows the Vorpal Enhancements (moves that change properties only during Vorpal) for each character.
Fixed other minor issues.

Network Mode Changes

The antenna icon displayed now varies depending on your connection strength with the other player.
A different icon than before will be displayed when the player’s connection is determined either to be wireless Wi-Fi or a similar connection. *PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5/Steam only
During the victory animation for Rank Matches, it no longer displays the total match records, instead only displaying the record of the currently ongoing match.
If you would like to display your total match records during matchmaking, the setting can be changed via Player Info on the Player Card in Customization.
You can now check recent opponents you’ve faced via the Steam overlay after an online match. *Steam only

Training Mode Changes

Added “Both sides Vorpal” and “Always Vorpal” options under Vorpal settings in Training Mode.

Replay Mode Changes

Added feature allowing the player to move the cursor 8 times at once with a left or right input when selecting replay data.
Added a “Skip 5 seconds” command during replay data playback.
Adjusted so the restart position when starting Replay Assist can be performed at the timing of opening the Pause Menu.
Replay Assist now records which player side (P1 or P2) initiated Replay Assist during playback of the current replay.
Added new feature, Replay Assist Plus, allowing the player to take over controls for the opponent side during Replay Assist.
Players can use Replay Assist to test out countermeasures and strings, and then use this feature to further explore potential counters to those solutions.

Battle Related Adjustments

These adjustments were intended to improve the overall play feel or universal game mechanics and to make it easier to obtain the intended result, with reassessment of the risk and reward for these actions.
For throws, we’ve expanded the range in which the character can be grabbed during the Creeping Edge movement, making throws function more clearly as a countermeasure against Creeping Edge.
Improved controls for Guard Thrust and Creeping Edge, so they can be executed by holding the button during a superflash.
Adjusted invincibility frames and hitbox after activating Guard Thrust so that it can beat other moves as intended. However, it is now easier to punish when it is blocked.
Shield can now be activated while dashing, creating less disparity between characters, as some struggled to use dashing Shield against projectiles more than others.
Removed throw invincibility from the time freeze during the superflash for EX special moves, which was previously consistent for all such moves.
With the exception of invincible moves and command throws, most no longer have throw invincibility.
This means that players can no longer use EX special moves after Chain Shift to force the opponent’s throw to whiff, making the back-and-forth interaction clearer.
We’ve also adjusted the visuals when using Chain Shift to make it clear whether or not the opponent is using Assault or a standard throw.
Command throws that can be throw teched under normal circumstances can no longer be teched when hitting during the opponent’s recovery, making them easier to use as punishes.
Shield can now be maintained even after switching screen sides with the opponent while holding the input, making it easier to use against cross-up jumping attacks, etc.
As a result of reassessing the risk and reward, the character is now in a Counter Hit vulnerable state while performing Veil Off, Shield, and Guard Thrust.
Guard Thrust now creates less space with the opponent when blocked, alleviating the issue where it was hard for some characters to punish it after blocking.
Shield is now riskier to use as it is vulnerable to Counter Hits, also making it more dangerous if the opponent manages to time an anti-air attack to counter Aerial Shield.
While this is not a universal game mechanic, we have reassessed the properties of special moves with head attribute invincibility for all characters.
In addition to removing head attribute invincibility from the initial startup of moves, we’ve adjusted how easily they can be covered for, with consideration for the startup frames, attack range, and reward for hitting with the move.
Fixed other minor issues.

Battle Related Changes

We’ve adjusted the combo display mid-match, making it visible how many times bounce effect has been used via diamond-shaped icons within the combo count display.
Fixed an issue making it sometimes impossible for the opponent to follow-up even when Steer Ender (A+B when attack connects) does not hit.
Expanded upper hitbox of Guard Thrust (→+A+B+C while blocking).
Guard Thrust (→+A+B+C while blocking) now creates less distance with opponent when blocked.
Increased invincibility frames of Guard Thrust (→+A+B+C while blocking).
Character is now vulnerable to Counter Hits during the recovery of Guard Thrust (→+A+B+C while blocking).
Guard Thrust (→+A+B+C while blocking) will now activate after the buttons are held during a superflash.
Character is now vulnerable to Counter Hits during the recovery of Veil Off (A+B+C).
Character is now vulnerable to Counter Hits during the recovery of Cross-Cast Veil Off.
Added a unique visual effect to the beginning of Assault (→+D) and Aerial Assault (→+D mid-air).
Creeping Edge (↘+D) will now activate after the inputs are held during a superflash.
Expanded the forward range in which a ground throw can hit during Creeping Edge (↘+D).
Added a unique visual effect when the opponent is performing a ground throw while Chain Shift is activated.
When activating Chain Shift mid-air, special moves with a mis-air usage restriction can be used again. Moves affected are listed in the character-specific changes.
Character is now vulnerable to Counter Hits during the activation and recovery of Shield.
Shield can now be performed mid-dash.
Changed the determination standard of whether or not a back input is being performed when holding a back input and the D button to extend Shield to be based on the direction the player is facing rather than the position of the opponent.
This addresses situations where Shield could be deactivated due to switching sides with the opponent when the player intended to maintain their Shield.
Throw moves that can be teched under normal circumstances can no longer be teched when hitting an opponent during recovery.
Removed throw invincibility during superflash on activation from EX special moves, with the exception of invincible moves and throws.
Fixed an issue where the guaranteed damage of a combo would sometimes be lowered when activating an EX special move or Veil Off while the opponent was blocking.
Expanded the upper hitbox of Infinite Worth EXS. This fixes an issue where the animation would fail to proceed when hitting high above off-screen.
Expanded hitbox of Infinite Worth EXS during combos.

■ Hyde

We’ve focused on improving the properties of moves used at close range, to highlight his strength once he gets in on the opponent.
His Crouching A has slightly extended range now, to further push its strength as a mix-up option alternated with throw.
He now moves forward after Crouching C, making it easier to use a throw after pressure strings.
The B and EX versions of [Red-Clad Craver] now draw the opponent in strongly on hit, making it more viable as a counterattack.
On the other hand, we’ve adjusted the level of reward gained from moves that can hit quickly in neutral from long range.
As [Blaring Outrage] was overly effective against some characters, we’ve revised the properties to improve overall balance.

Decreased the starter damage proration of Increased Standing C.
Expanded the frontal hitbox of Crouching A.
Added forward movement before Crouching C ends.
Expanded hitbox of Jumping A inward.
Expanded hitbox of Jumping B.
Increased active frames of hitbox for Jumping B.
Shrunk upper hitbox of Dashing C. However, during combos the hitbox remains unchanged.
Increased recovery of Dashing C.
Increased cancel window on hit of Dashing C.
Decreased cancel window on block of Dashing C.
Removed foot property invincibility of Dashing C.
Shrunk upper hitbox of [Blaring Outrage] (↓+B+C).
Shrunk back hitbox as [Blaring Outrage] (↓+B+C) comes out.
Removed projectile clash property from the strike part of [Blaring Outrage] (↓+B+C).
Shrunk upper hitbox of Increased [Blaring Outrage] (↓+B+C).
Shrunk back hitbox as Increased [Blaring Outrage] (↓+B+C) comes out.
Increased starter damage proration of [Dark Lotus Anthesis] (↓↘→+AorB>↓↘→+C or →←→+C).
Delayed timing of head property invincibility of the A version of [Red-Clad Craver] (→↓↘+A).
The B version of [Red-Clad Craver] (→↓↘+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Increased damage of the EX version of [Red-Clad Craver] (→↓↘+C).
The EX version of [Red-Clad Craver] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Added powerful vacuum effect on opponent to the first hit of the B and EX versions of [Red-Clad Craver] (→↓↘+BorC).
The EX version of [Shadow Scare] (↓↓+C) can now be canceled into Chain Shift on hit or block.
Increased untechable time of the EX version of [Shadow Scare] (↓↓+C).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Dark Lotus] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air), you can now use [Dark Lotus] again before landing.
Increased damage of [Veil Bringer] (↓↘→+B+C).
Decreased damage proration of [Veil Bringer] (↓↘→+B+C).
The final hit of [Veil Bringer] (↓↘→+B+C) can now be canceled into Chain Shift.

■ Linne

We’ve improved her surprise attack options from mid range, making it easier for her to launch an offense using her mobility.
The change to the opponent’s damage state on grounded hit of [Flying Swallow] makes the move more viable and easier to go into combos.
[Dancing Wings] can now be used after a double jump or Assault, expanding the options available for mid-air strings.
On the other hand, Standing C in Ver. 1.10 had an extended cancel window that made it overly potent as a mix-up tool. We have slightly decreased the cancel window duration.

Decreased cancel window duration of Standing C.
Decreased recovery of Crouching A.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Double Jump] (↖or↑or↗), [Double Jump] can now be used again before landing.
Expanded hitbox of aerial Increased →+B inward.
Increased active frames of aerial Increased →+B.
Decreased recovery of ↓+A>↓+A.
Fixed an issue causing delayed movement start when inputting →+A+B to perform the follow-up after successfully dodging an attack with [Elusive Flash] (B+C).
Expanded hitbox of the EX version of [Twin Sky Fangs] (↓↘→+C) on hit.
Made it possible to act during the brake animation of [Dancing Leaf] (↓↘→+AorB>→→ or →+A+B) or (↓↙←+AorB>→→ or →+A+B) during combos.
Expanded frontal hitbox of [Ghastly Wail] (↓↘→+AorB>B+C).
Delayed the timing of the cancel window of the A version of [Moon Gyre] (→↓↘+A) on whiff.
Delayed the timing of the head property invincibility of the A version of [Moon Gyre] (→↓↘+A).
The B version of [Moon Gyre] (→↓↘+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of [Rending Moon Gyre] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Increased damage of the A and B versions of [Tenacious Mist] (↓↙←+AorB).
Decreased recovery of the brake animation of [Dancing Leaf] (↓↙←+AorB>→→ or →+A+B) or (↓↙←+AorB>AorBorC>→→ or →+A+B).
Expanded upper hitbox of the third and fourth hits of the C version of the follow-up from [Tenacious Mist] (↓↙←+AorB>C).
Changed the knockback on grounded hit of the A and B versions of [Flying Swallow] (↓↓+AorB).
The EX version of [Soaring Swallow] (↓↓+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Added invincibility to low A attacks before the startup of aerial [Sky Fangs] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air).
Expanded hitbox of the EX version of aerial [Twin Sky Fangs] (↓↘→+C mid-air) on hit.
Added hitstop for opponent to the EX version of aerial [Twin Sky Fangs] (↓↘→+C mid-air) on hit.
Fixed an issue making it possible to block during the landing recovery of [Dancing Wings] (↓↘→+AorB>→→ or →+A+B mid-air).
[Dancing Wings] (↓↘→+AorB>→→or→+A+B mid-air) can now be performed after Assault or aerial Assault.
[Dancing Wings] (↓↘→+AorB>→→or→+A+B mid-air) can now be performed after [Double Jump] (↖or↑or↗ mid-air).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Dancing Wings] (↓↘→+AorB>→→or→+A+B mid-air), you can now use [Dancing Wings] again before landing.
Decreased duration of hitstop on opponent after blocking the first to fourth hits of [The Diviner] (←↙↓↘→+D).
Removed hitbox of the final hit of [The Diviner] (←↙↓↘→+D).

■ Waldstein

We’ve made adjustments to give him more offensive opportunities off of throws. With the universal change to command throws, he can now punish abare and other moves with his grabs, as well as using pokes to start offense.
The decreased recovery of the B version of [Drehen Durchbohren] on hit makes it easier to keep up offense using Assault after connecting with the opponent.
Making his Increased ground throw cancelable into EX special moves means that depending on the situation, it can be even more rewarding than the A version of [Drehen Durchbohren].
The extended range of his ground throw also makes it more viable as a means to bait out and punish Guard Shield.

Expanded frontal hitbox of ground throw.
Increased ground throw can now be canceled into EX special moves.
Increased damage of Increased Standing C.
Increased damage of Increased Jumping C.
Expanded upper hitbox of the first hit of ←+B.
Increased damage when grabbing opponent with ←+B.
Increased damage of ←+B attack without grab property.
Increased damage proration of ←+B attack without grab property.
Expanded upper hitbox of [Eisen Nagel] (↓↘→+AorBorC).
Expanded hitbox of the second and third hits of the EX version of [Wirbelwind] (→↓↘+C) inward.
Decreased recovery of the B version of [Drehen Durchbohren] (full circle+B) on hit. However, there is no change to the double circle version.

■ Carmine

The change to the opponent’s damage state on grounded hit of [Twist!] creates more opportunities for him to start combos, expanding the potential for Dissolve in neutral.
The expanded hitbox of Standing B makes it easier to combo B>B>B after a ground slam during a combo, meaning he can incorporate health recovering into more combos.
On the other hand, as he had access to too much health recovery in a single combo, we’ve added a limit to health recovery so that it does not negate the demerit of health loss associated with his powerful moves.
The universal game mechanic change to Guard Thrust makes it easier to interrupt his strings, so it is especially crucial to gain Vorpal to manage his health.

Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing B at the feet.
Shrunk hurtbox of Crouching C during startup.
Increased active frames of →+C.
Increased cancel window of →+C.
Increased active frames of Increased →+C.
Increased cancel window of Increased →+C.
Decreased recovery amount when using more than two health recovering attacks in the same combo.
Changed opponent blowback on grounded hit of [Twist!] (B+C).
Changed opponent blowback on grounded hit of aerial [Twist!] (B+C mid-air).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Twist!] (B+C mid-air), you can now use [Twist!] again before landing.

■ Orie

We’ve focused on pushing her strength when playing neutral at the maximum range of strike attacks and special moves by improving her mid-range pokes.
The increased damage to Orie’s central [Divine Thrust] move provides better reward for accurate reads from her preferred range.
The extended range for [Thick and Fast] makes it more viable as a follow-up attack or cover on whiff after [To Me! (Command Order)].
The adjustments made to the opponent knockback on grounded hit of the B version of [To Me! (Command Order)] in Ver. 1.10 unintentionally made it harder to combo after, so we have adjusted the knockback again.
On the other hand, his setplay using [Sealing Hoplon] and throw was exceptionally powerful, so we have adjusted the risk and reward while making it easier to counter.

Increased damage proration of ground throw.
Removed foot property of Crouching B.
Expanded upper and lower hurtbox of →+B.
Expanded frontal hitbox of height where →+B does not hit crouching opponents.
Increased damage of ↘+C.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Aerial Leap] (B+C) or (↓↙←+AorBorC>B+C) or (↓↙←+B+C>B+C) you can now use [Aerial Leap] again before landing.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Aerial Leap] (B+C mid-air) or (↓↙←+AorBorC>B+C mid-air) you can now use aerial [Aerial Leap] again before landing.
Increased damage of the A and B versions of [Divine Thrust] (↓↘→+AorB).
The A version of [Sacred Arrow] (→↓↘+A) can only be canceled into Chain Shift on whiff.
Delayed timing of the Chain Shift cancel window of the A version of [Sacred Arrow] (→↓↘+A) on whiff.
The B version of [Sacred Arrow] (→↓↘+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of [Sacred Arrow] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Changed the opponent knockback of the B version of [To Me! (Command Order)] (↓↙←+B) on grounded hit.
Fixed an issue making it impossible to cancel the first hit of the EX version of [To Me! (Command Order)] (↓↙←+C) into Chain Shift and Infinite Worth EXS with a buffered input.
Expanded lower hitbox of the first hit of [Thick and Fast] (↓↙←+AorB>←+A).
Expanded hitbox of the second hit of [Thick and Fast] (↓↙←+AorB>←+A) inward.
Increased Thanatos’ movement distance for the second hit of [Thick and Fast] (↓↙←+AorB>←+A).
Expanded projectile clash range of [Sealing Hoplon] (↓↓+AorBorC).
Decreased active frames of the A and B versions of [Sealing Hoplon] (↓↓+AorB).
[Luminous Embrace] (←↙↓↘→+D) can now be used while Thanatos is out.

■ Gordeau

We’ve made it easier for him to take advantage of his excellent strike range to control the opponent by improving mostly his mid-range weapon attacks.
The increased opponent knockback on grounded hit of Standing C makes it easier to combo into [Mortal Slide] or ↘+C, adding pressure to his mid-range game.
The final hit of [Down Claws] now slams the opponent down closer than before, making it possible to get additional reward by landing [Grim Reaper] in some situations.
The expanded hitbox of the EX version of Precise Aim makes it easier to combo [Down Claws] > [Precise Aim] EX version, meaning you can get extra damage overall from using [Grim Reaper] as a poke.

Increased movement speed of forward and back walk.
Decreased recovery of ↓ input during throw.
Changed opponent blowback of Steer Ender (A+B when attack connects) on hit.
Increased opponent hitstop of Steer Ender (A+B when attack connects) on hit.
Increased opponent knockback duration of Standing C on grounded hit.
Decreased recovery of Increased Standing C.
Decreased startup of Crouching A.
Expanded lower hitbox of Dashing B.
Expanded lower hitbox of ←+B.
↘+C can now be canceled into Chain Shift on block.
Decreased starter damage proration of Increased ↘+C.
Increased ↘+C can now be canceled into Chain Shift on block.
Increased damage of [Beheading Trim] (→+B+C mid-dash).
Decreased damage proration of [Beheading Trim] (→+B+C mid-dash).
Expanded frontal hitbox of the EX version of [Mortal Slide] (↓↘→+C).
Expanded lower hitbox of [Grim Reaper] (→↓↘+AorBorC).
Changed opponent blowback of [Down Claws] (→↓↘+AorB>→+AorBorC) on hit.
Expanded the upper hurtbox of the EX version of [Assimilation] (↓↙←+C).
Expanded the frontal hitbox of the A version of [Precise Aim] (↓↓+A).
Expanded the frontal hitbox by the hands of the EX version of [Precise Aim] (↓↓+C).
Increased hitstop caused to opponent by the final hit of the EX version of [Precise Aim] (↓↓+C).
The EX version of aerial [Mortal Slide] (↓↘→+C mid-air) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Expanded the hurtbox after the fourth hit of [Turbulence] (←↙↓↘→+D).
Decreased hitstop caused to opponent when the fourth hit of [Turbulence] (←↙↓↘→+D) is blocked.

■ Merkava

We’ve focused on improving his normal moves used at his preferred mid-to-far range, meaning he can more effectively keep the opponent out at neutral.
The additional range of B>B makes it easier to land after Standing B even at max range, and it can also hit opponents walking backwards to avoid Standing B. This makes it highly reliable as a poke.
Increased Standing C has even more range than standard Standing C, giving it new usage aside from throwing off timings.
As ←+B hits in the current position, it should work well as a counter-poke to prevent the opponent’s approach. However, it would often lose out to moves with long active frames, so we have reassessed the hurtbox to make it more likely to beat out the opponent’s strike moves.
[I, Persistently Cling] can be used in more situations thanks to the changes to its recovery, allowing you to go for very unique Merkava strings.

Decreased backstep recovery.
Ground throw always deals max possible damage on hit.
As the frame advantage after a successful ground throw differed between characters, it has been adjusted to remain the same for all opponents.
Decreased recovery of Standing A.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing B.
Shrunk frontal hurtbox during startup of Standing B.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Increased Standing C.
Fixed an issue causing it to be impossible to perform [I, Ascend to the Sky] again with a ↖or↑or↗ input after using Chain Shift after [I, Ascend to the Sky] (↖or↑or↗orA+B mid-air).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [I, Alienate] (←←or←+A+B mid-air), you can now use [I, Alienate] again before landing.
Shrunk frontal hurtbox of ←+B.
Expanded lower hitbox of the base of →+C.
Expanded lower hitbox of the base of Increased →+C.
Expanded frontal hitbox of B>B.
[I, Agitate] (B+C) always deals max possible damage on hit.
Decreased cancel window duration of the B version of [I, Penetrate the Clear Skies] (→↓↘+B) on whiff.
The EX version of [I, Penetrate the Clear Skies] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Increased damage of the B version of [I, Capture and Devour] (↓↙←+B).
Even outside of Vorpal, after using [I, Persistently Cling] (↓↓+AorBorC) the object no longer disappears after blocking an attack from the opponent.
Decreased recovery of the B version of [I, Persistently Cling] (↓↓+B).
Decreased startup of the A and B versions of [I, Persistently Cling] (↓↓+AorB).
Decreased startup of the Increased B version of [I, Persistently Cling] (↓↓+B).
Decreased throw invincibility duration of [I, Rampage] (↓↘→+B+C).
[I, Resentfully Rage] (←↙↓↘→+D) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.

■ Vatista

We’ve made improvements to her strike attack pokes as well as projectiles to better cover for her low mobility. Improvements to her projectile negating properties also give her an advantage when dealing with the opponent’s projectiles.
Majorly expanding the frontal hitbox of her Crouching B makes it highly viable both as a poke and as abare.
In contrast, her Standing B has mainly been improved by shrinking the hurtbox, making it a great option to deal with the opponent’s pokes and approach attempts.
All versions of [Mikoruseo] have longer cancel windows, making it easier to go for damage with [Lux Fortis] and [Lateus Orbis].
[Armabellum] no longer deals fewer hits after negating a projectile, meaning Vatista can launch her offense while canceling out the opponent’s multi-hit projectiles.

Expanded lower and frontal hitbox of Standing B.
Shrunk frontal hurtbox of Standing B.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Crouching B.
Increased damage of C>C.
Expanded hitbox of C>C.
Increased opponent knockback duration of C>C on grounded hit.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Leviosa] (A+B mid-air), you can now use [Leviosa] again before landing.
Shrunk frontal hurtbox of [Armabellum] (B+C).
[Armabellum] (B+C) no longer deals fewer hits after clashing with a projectile.
[Armabellum (Crouching)] (↓+B+C) no longer deals fewer hits after clashing with a projectile.
[Armabellum (Aerial)] (B+C mid-air) no longer deals fewer hits after clashing with a projectile.
Delayed the timing of the head property invincibility of the A version of [Ruber Angelus] (↓ hold ↑+A).
The first hit of the A version of [Ruber Angelus] (↓ hold ↑+A) has a vacuum effect on the opponent on hit.
The B version of [Ruber Angelus] (↓ hold ↑+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of [Ruber Angelus Estis] (↓ hold ↑+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Increased cancel window duration of the A and B versions of [Mikoruseo] (→ hold ←+AorB).
Expanded hitbox of the EX version of [Lux Fortis] (→hold ←+C).
Fixed an issue causing the final hit of the explosion not to trigger sometimes when [Sideus Fragmentum] (hold and release AorBorC) hits.
This fixes the issue that would trigger when an attack from Vatista connected directly after blocking the first hit of the explosion.
Fixed an issue causing the unique object generated when the opponent blocks multiple times when [Sideus Fragmentum] (hold and release AorBorC) is part of a blockstring to sometimes appear when starting a combo after a blockstring involving the object.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Lumen Stella] (← hold →AorBorC mid-air), [Lumen Stella] can now be used again before landing.
Increased cancel window duration of the A and B versions of aerial [Mikoruseo] (→ hold ←+AorB mid-air).
Expanded hitbox of the EX version of aerial [Lux Fortis] (→hold ←+C mid-air).
Increased recovery for both player and opponent for the B version of [Transvoranse] (↑ hold ↓+B mid-air) on block.
The EX version of [Transvoranse] (↑ hold ↓+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Fixed an issue causing the final hit of the explosion not to trigger sometimes when aerial [Sideus Fragmentum] (hold and release AorBorC mid-air).
This fixes the issue that would trigger when an attack from Vatista connected directly after blocking the first hit of the explosion.
Fixed an issue causing the unique object generated when the opponent blocks multiple times when aerial [Sideus Fragmentum] (hold and release AorBorC mid-air) is part of a blockstring to sometimes appear when starting a combo after a blockstring involving the object.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Sideus Fragmentum] (hold and release AorBorC mid-air), you can now use aerial [Sideus Fragmentum] again before landing.

■ Seth

We’ve added more uses for the powered-up version of [Captive Segment], giving him more powerful pressure after successfully powering up.
The improvements to his lunging move have also created more room for strategic options alternating between powering up or going in with a lunge.
While powered-up, [Captive Segment]’s object can negate projectiles without disappearing, making it a strong option to limit the opponent’s projectiles once placed.
[Abyssal Geometry] can now be canceled into EX special moves, so he can forcibly change the situation in battle with strings like [Abyssal Geometry] > EX [Captive Segment].
The change to the opponent blowback on grounded hit of the A version of [Dual Piercing Vengeance] makes it easier to combo after, making it an excellent option for a surprise attack.

Shrunk the frontal hurtbox of backstep from the start until landing.
Increased invincibility frames of backstep.
Decreased recovery of ↓ input during backstep.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Air Backdash] (←←or←+A+B mid-air), you can now use [Air Backdash] again before landing.
Decreased startup of ↘+B.
Expanded hitbox of ↘+B.
No longer moves when using ↘+C while close to the opponent.
[Abyssal Geometry] (B+C) can be canceled into EX special moves.
Increased [Abyssal Geometry] (B+C) can be canceled into EX special moves.
Decreased starter damage proration of [Gloomy Invitation] (↓+B+C).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Gloomy Invitation] (↓+B+C mid-air), you can now use aerial [Gloomy Invitation] again before landing.
While powered up, the object from [Captive Segment] (↓↘→+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air) can negative projectiles from the opponent without disappearing while in the standby state before the projectile hitbox fires.
Changed the opponent blowback of the A version of [Dual Piercing Vengeance] (→↓↘+A) on hit.
Made the A and B versions of [Dual Piercing Vengeance] (→↓↘+AorB) air unblockable.
Expanded frontal tracking range of the EX version of [Dual Piercing Vengeance] (→↓↘+C).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Narrow Intrusion] (→↓↘+AorBorC mid-air), you can now use [Narrow Intrusion] again before landing.
The EX version of [Narrow Intrusion] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Expanded upper hurtbox of the B version of [Piercing Penetration] (↓↙←+B mid-air) after landing.
The EX version of [Piercing Penetration] (↓↙←+C mid-air) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.

■ Yuzuriha

We’ve improved actions from [Iki Seishin no Kamae], including the stance cancel, to open up more options for strings.
[Hazumi] no longer counts towards the jump limit during combos. This adds new combo options, as well as opening up potential okizeme routes when used at the end of a combo.
For aerial [Battoujutsu Ichi no Kata: Kiri] and aerial [Battoujutsu San no Kata: Tachi], Yuzuriha can act sooner after canceling the stance with [Togiri]. This adds more potential strings as it is easier to throw out a jumping attack while descending.
On the other hand, aerial [Sazanami] has added recovery now as the vulnerable window after a failed dodge was very brief. This adjustment adds more risk to an incorrect read.

Increased active time of Dashing B.
Decreased startup of the A and B versions of Battoujutsu Ichi no Kata: Kiri (→+AorB).
Decreased recovery when exiting [Iki Seishin no Kamae] after aerial [Battoujutsu Ichi no Kata: Kiri] (→+AorBorC mid-air).
Expanded frontal hitbox of the second hit and onward of ←+C.
Decreased starter damage proration of the [Battoujutsu San no Kata: Tachi] follow-up (B+C>while holding, A before hit).
Decreased recovery when exiting [Iki Seishin no Kamae] after aerial [Battoujutsu San no Kata: Tachi] (B+C mid-air).
The EX version of [Sougetsu Ittou-Ryu et cetera! Yae Ichirin] (↓↙←+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of aerial [Sougetsu Ittou-Ryu et cetera! Yae Ichirin] (↓↙←+C mid-air) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The recovery after exiting [Iki Seishin no Kamae] mid-air can be canceled into Chain Shift.
[Hazumi] (↖or↑or↗ during [Iki Seishin no Kamae]) is no longer affected by jump cancel limitations.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Hazumi] (↖or↑or↗ during [Iki Seishin no Kamae]), you can now use aerial [Hazumi] again before landing.
Aerial [Hazumi] (↖or↑or↗ during [Iki Seishin no Kamae] mid-air) is no longer affected by jump cancel limitations.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Hazumi] (↖or↑or↗ during [Iki Seishin no Kamae] mid-air), you can now use aerial [Hazumi] again before landing.
Increased recovery of aerial [Sazanami] (↓↓ during [Iki Seishin no Kamae] mid-air) when not countering an attack.
Decreased invincibility frames during the recovery of [Sougetsu Ittou-Ryu Ougi: Kashou] (←↙↓↘→+D).
[Sougetsu Ittou-Ryu Ougi: Kashou] (←↙↓↘→+D) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.

■ Hilda

We’ve added more reward for her getting a starter hit with a projectile, to further push her specialty long-range offensive game.
The A version of [Skewer] now slams the opponent down on grounded hit, making it easier to combo after and adding pressure from her full-screen attacks.
The C version of [Dismal Sign] has the same invincibility timing as the A version, making it more viable as a counterattack. This also opens up potential for more reward when used in combos, together with the adjustments to the damage of her fired objects.
On the other hand, characters who could not hit [Tri-Furket] with crouching attacks struggled to start pressure against Hilda, which covered for her intended weak defense. We’ve adjusted the foot property invincibility frames with this in mind.

Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing A.
Increased damage of Standing C.
←←>↖+A+B with back to corner now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Domination] (←←or←+A+B mid-air), you can now use [Domination] again before landing.
Expanded lower hurtbox of [Tri-Furket] (B+C) as it comes out.
Sped up timing when [Tri-Furket] (B+C) gains foot property invincibility.
Added foot property invincibility to the [Tri-Furket] follow-up (B+C > while holding A before hit).
Added foot property invincibility to the [Tri-Furket] follow-up (B+C > while holding ↓+A before hit).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Tri-Furket] (B+C mid-air), you can now use aerial [Tri-Furket] again before landing.
Added foot property invincibility to the aerial [Tri-Furket] follow-up (B+C > while holding A before hit mid-air).
Added foot property invincibility to the aerial [Tri-Furket] follow-up (B+C > while holding ↓+A before hit mid-air).
Changed opponent blowback of the A version of [Skewer] (↓↘→+A) on hit.
Fixed an issue causing shorter blockstun when the opponent blocks the A and B versions of [Skewer] (↓↘→+AorB) while crouching.
Changed opponent blowback of the A version of aerial [Skewer] (↓↘→+A mid-air) on hit.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+AorBorC), you can now use [Dismal Sign] again before landing.
Decreased the damage of the C version of [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C).
Decreased the damage proration of the C version of [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C).
Decreased the starter damage proration of the C version of [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C).
Sped up timing when the C version of [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C) gains invincibility.
Sped up timing of the movement beginning in the C version of [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+AorBorC mid-air) or (↓↘→+AorB>←or↓or→+AorBorC mid-air) you can now use aerial [Dismal Sign] again before landing.
Decreased the damage of the C version of aerial [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C).
Decreased the damage proration of the C version of aerial [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C mid-air).
Decreased the starter damage proration of the C version of aerial [Dismal Sign] (←↓↙+C mid-air).
Fixed an issue causing invincibility to continue until recovery ends when using the EX version of [Revenant Pillar] (↓↓+C).

■ Chaos

We’ve reassessed the risk and reward from his means of approaching from neutral, making it easier for him to launch his offensive.
We’ve adjusted the hurtbox after sticking to the corner with [Up and At ‘Em] to avoid being erased by unintended moves. He can also now cancel Azhi Dahaka with a special move after landing if the move is blocked, making it easier to put together strings involving [Up and At ‘Em].
The expanded upper hitbox of [Burn Them to a Crisp] makes it more likely to catch Assault as it comes out as well as cancel out more projectiles.
We have also decreased the cooldown on Azhi Dahaka to make it easier to use, given how easy it is for it to be erased by opponent attacks as of this game.

Sped up the timing when Azhi Dahaka is available to be used again after disappearing.
Expanded the upper and behind hitboxes of the base of Standing C.
Expanded the frontal hitbox of Crouching B.
Decreased startup of Crouching B.
Decreased recovery of Crouching C.
Expanded hitbox of Jumping C.
Increased active frames of Jumping C.
Changed [Snake Around] to crouching state during movement.
Expanded upper hitbox of [Burn Them to a Crisp] (B+C).
The flames from [Burn Them to a Crisp] (B+C) now follow Azhi Dahaka’s movement.
Shrunk the hurtbox of Azhi Dahaka after some time has passed while stuck to the corner with [Up and At ‘Em] (↓+B+C).
Removed Azhi Dahaka’s hurtbox right before the attack in [Up and At ‘Em] (↓+B+C).
After Azhi Dahaka lands during [Up and At ‘Em] (↓+B+C), Azhi Dahaka’s action can now be canceled with a special move.
Decreased recovery of [That’s Your Prey] (↓↘→+AorBorC).
Decreased the starter damage proration of the A and B versions of [Repel] (→↓↘+AorB).
Decreased recovery of [Conceal] (↓↓+AorBorC) while using [Prepare] (↓↓+release hold).

■ Nanase

We’ve mainly powered up her mid-range special moves, to open up more damage potential for her from neutral.
The expanded hitbox in the latter half of [Chasing le Rêvé]’s active frames makes it more likely to hit as the attack ends, creating situations where it cannot be punished on block.
A new hitbox that only connects during combos makes [Aureole of the Starry Sky] easier to work into combos after [Chasing le Rêvé] hits without using a bound effect, meaning it is easier to get higher reward.
The B version of [Let the Fleur Carry Your Feelings] deals more damage when connecting →+B to send the projectile flying, creating high potential when the projectile is out.

Decreased the starter damage proration of Increased Standing C.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using Jumping ↑+C you can now use Jumping ↑+C again before landing.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Breeze’s Liberte] (B+C) or (↓↓+AorBorC>B+C), you can now use aerial [Breeze’s Liberte] again before landing.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Breeze’s Liberte] (B+C mid-air) or (↓↘→+AorBorC>B+C mid-air), you can now use aerial [Breeze’s Liberte] again before landing.
Expanded hitbox of the A and B versions of [Chasing le Rêvé] (↓↘→+AorB) during the active frames.
Added a hitbox that only connects during combos to [Aureole of the Starry Sky] (↓↘→+AorB>B).
Changed opponent blowback of the final hit of [Aureole of the Starry Sky] (↓↘→+AorB>B) on hit.
Sped up the timing when [Halte Once in a While] (↓↘→+AorB>C) gains projectile invincibility.
Increased duration of projectile invincibility of [Halte Once in a While] (↓↘→+AorB>C).
Delayed timing when the A version of [Plumage Dancing in the Wind] (→↓↘+A) gains head property invincibility.
The A version of [Plumage Dancing in the Wind] (→↓↘+A) can no longer be canceled into anything other than Chain Shift on whiff.
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Plumage Dancing in the Wind] (→↓↘+A) can be canceled into Chain Shift on whiff.
The B version of [Plumage Dancing in the Wind] (→↓↘+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of [Plumage Dancing in the Wind] (→↓↘+C) always deals max potential damage on hit.
The EX version of [Plumage Dancing in the Wind] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Added invincibility to low A attacks to the startup of [Let the Fleur Carry Your Feelings] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air).
Increased damage of the B version of [Let the Fleur Carry Your Feelings] (↓↘→+B mid-air) when the projectile is hit with →+B.
Increased damage of the Increased B version of [Let the Fleur Carry Your Feelings] (↓↘→+B mid-air) when the projectile is hit with →+B.
Fixed an issue causing [Atmosphere of the Aether] (←↙↓↘→+D) to have throw invincibility after the invincibility frames.

■ Byakuya

We’ve improved the range of his core grounded pokes, Crouching C, Dashing B, and Dashing C, to greatly improve his mid-range neutral game. Combined with the decreased recovery for his backstep, this makes him highly potent at contesting grounded pokes.
Improvements to his strings using traps such as Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] give him greater offensive potential.
The B and C versions of Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] have different trajectories than before, increasing the range in which he can mix-up the opponent from neutral.
The A and C follow-ups after Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] can be worked into combos more easily and offer higher reward. The B follow-up has additional invincibility frames, making it better as an option against counters for the A and C follow-ups. Follow-up B has invincibility as in previous versions, so the proration to minimum guaranteed damage still applies.

Decreased recovery of backstep.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing A.
Decreased recovery of Crouching A.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Crouching C.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Dashing B.
Decreased recovery of Dashing B.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Dashing C.
Expanded upper hitbox of ↘+C.
Increased active frames of ↘+C.
Expanded upper hitbox of Increased ↘+C.
Increased active frames of Increased ↘+C.
Changed attack position of [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here (Just Kidding)] (B+C) to hit closer to the player character when close to the opponent.
Changed attack position of Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here (Just Kidding)] (B+C) to hit closer to the player character when close to the opponent.
The EX version of [How Shall I Cook You?] (↓↘→+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Expanded upper hurtbox of the latter half of [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+AorBorC).
Sped up the timing when the A and B versions of [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+AorB) gain projectile invincibility.
Expanded the range of the throw part of the A and B versions of [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+AorB) inward.
Increased damage of the object from the EX version of [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+C).
The hitbox of the EX version of [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+C) now expands when the object comes in contact with the opponent during a dash.
Increased damage of the object from Increased [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+AorB).
The hitbox of Increased [You’re Almost Ready to Eat] (→↓↘+AorB) now expands when the object comes in contact with the opponent during a dash.
The hitbox of Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] (↓↙←+AorBorC) or (↓↙←+AorBorC mid-air) now expands when the object comes in contact with the opponent during a dash.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] (↓↙←+AorBorC) or (↓↙←+AorBorC mid-air), you can now use aerial [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] again before landing.
Expanded lower range in which the object from the B version of [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] (↓↙←+B) responds to dashing opponents.
Increased damage from the object from the D version of [Caught You!] (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorBorC>D) or (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorBorC>D mid-air).
The hitbox of the D version of [Caught You!] (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorBorC>D) or (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorBorC>D mid-air) now expands when the object comes in contact with the opponent during a dash.
Changed the trajectory of Increased B version of [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] (↓↙←+B) or (↓↙←+B mid-air) and Increased C version of [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] (↓↙←+C) or (↓↙←+C mid-air) .
Decreased landing recovery of Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] follow-up A (Increased ↓↙←+AorBorC>A) or (Increased↓↙←+AorBorC>A mid-air) on hit.
Increased invincibility of Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] follow-up B (Increased ↓↙←+AorBorC>B) or (Increased↓↙←+AorBorC>B mid-air)
Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] follow-up C (Increased ↓↙←+AorBorC>C) or (Increased↓↙←+AorBorC>C mid-air) can now be canceled into EX special moves and other moves on hit.
Removed invincibility of Increased [I’ll Plant It Somewhere Over Here] follow-up C (Increased ↓↙←+AorBorC>C) or (Increased↓↙←+AorBorC>C mid-air)
Increased damage of the A and B versions of [Let’s Have a Taste] (↓↓+AorB).
Decreased recovery of the EX version of [Let’s Have a Taste] (↓↓+C).
Adjusted damage proration and base damage proration of [Become a Part of Me] (←↙↓↘→+D) to avoid the damage becoming unnaturally low even when used in combos with lower damage proration.

■ Phonon

We’ve further pushed her long-ranged weapon attacks to make range a winning factor for her.
The increased falling speed when using Increased Jumping C after grounded Assault leaves her less vulnerable, creating opportunities for her to catch the opponent while staying out of range of their attacks.
↘+C takes fewer frames to reach its maximum range, making it more viable as a low counter-poke against opponents at far range. It also adds less starter proration to offer better reward on hit.
The additional active frames of ←+B make it more likely to catch the opponent’s approach attempts, and the extended hitbox by her hands helps address the issue it had sometimes whiffing against short characters in a crouching state.

Sped up timing when movement begins during backstep.
Shrunk hurtbox of Standing C during startup.
Decreased recovery of Crouching A.
Removed foot property from Crouching B.
Expanded lower hitbox of Jumping B.
Expanded hitbox of Increased Jumping B.
Sped up falling speed of Increased Jumping C when used after grounded Assault.
Decreased starter damage proration of Dashing C.
Decreased starter damage proration of the active frames of ↘+C.
Sped up timing when the hitbox of ↘+C extends.
Decreased recovery of ↘+C.
Expanded lower hitbox of ←+B at the hands.
Increased active frames of ←+B.
Added invincibility to low A attacks to aerial [Sliding Affliction] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air) during startup.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using the A or B versions of aerial [Sliding Affliction] (↓↘→+AorB mid-air), you can now use aerial [Sliding Affliction] again before landing.
Removed projectile property from the EX version of [Guidance Ascension] (→↓↘+C).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using the A or B versions of [Suppressive Restriction] (↓↓+AorB) or (↓↓+AorB mid-air), you can now use aerial [Suppressive Restriction] again before landing.
Decreased the starter damage proration of the B version of aerial [Suppressive Restriction] (↓↓+B mid-air).
Fixed an issue that removed the throw invincibility during [Binding Beatitude] (←↙↓↘→+D) during the motion.

■ Mika

[Mika’s Missile] and [Mika’s Crash] are overall more versatile tools, opening up more options for her using aerial approaches.
[Mika’s Homing Missile] no longer has an altitude limitation and can be used from lower positions now, allowing for more variations to trip up the opponent.
The ↑ direction [Mika’s Homing Missile] can be moved forward or backward with left/right inputs during descent as a tool for launching an offensive from the sky.
[Mika’s Crash] is more viable overall due to adjustments to the hitbox, recovery, and bound effect on hit.
Reassessing the projectile invincibility duration and startup of [Mika’s Impact] has improved the moves utility, as it did not function as well as intended to counter projectiles.

Changed the composition of Smart Steer.
Expanded upper hitbox of Standing C.
Expanded upper hitbox of Increased Standing C.
Expanded hitbox of Jumping C.
Expanded hitbox of Increased Jumping C.
Made the first hit of Dashing B a low.
Decreased starter recovery proration of the second hit of Dashing B.
Increased damage of ↘+B.
Decreased damage proration of ↘+B.
Decreased starter recovery proration of ↘+B.
The opponent blowback from the first hit of [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air) no longer counts as a bound.
The hitbox of the second hit of [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air) can now hit outside of combos as well.
Delayed timing of the cancel window into Chain Shift for [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air) on whiff.
Decreased recovery of grounded [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) when it does not hit.
Decreased recovery of aerial [Mika’s Crash] (B+C mid-air).
The opponent blowback from the first hit of Increased [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air) no longer counts as a bound.
The hitbox of the second hit of Increased [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air) can now hit outside of combos as well.
Delayed timing of the cancel window into Chain Shift for Increased [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air) on whiff.
Decreased recovery of grounded Increased [Mika’s Crash] (B+C) when it does not hit.
Decreased recovery of Increased aerial [Mika’s Crash] (B+C mid-air).
[Mika’s Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air) can now be canceled into Chain Shift during the movement.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Mika’s Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air), you can now use aerial [Mika’s Missile] again before landing.
[Mika’s Homing Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC>direction+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC>direction+AorBorC mid-air) can now be canceled into Chain Shift during the movement.
Removed the altitude limitation when using [Mika’s Homing Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC>direction+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC>direction+AorBorC mid-air), meaning it can be used at a lower height as well. However, the grounded A and EX versions of [Mika’s Missile] (↓↘→+AorC) still do not have ↙, ↓, ↘ direction follow-ups.
Decreased landing recovery of ↖or↑or↗ directions of [Mika’s Homing Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC>↖or↑or↗+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC>↖or↑or↗+AorBorC mid-air).
↖or↑or↗ directions of [Mika’s Homing Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC>↖or↑or↗+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC>↖or↑or↗+AorBorC mid-air) can no longer be used while above a certain altitude off-screen.
↑ direction [Mika’s Homing Missile] (↓↘→+AorB>↑+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorB>↑+AorBorC mid-air) can be moved with left or right directional inputs after the action.
Expanded upper hitbox of ↓ direction [Mika’s Homing Missile] (↓↘→+AorBorC>↓+AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorBorC>↓+AorBorC mid-air) as the move comes out.
The EX version of [Mika’s Tornado] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Sped up the timing when the A and B versions of [Mika’s Impact] (↓↓+AorB) gain projectile invincibility.
Increased duration of projectile invincibility of the A and B versions of [Mika’s Impact] (↓↓+AorB).
Decreased startup of the EX version of [Mika’s Impact] (↓↓+C).
Increased hitstop on opponent from the EX version of [Mika’s Impact] (↓↓+C) on hit.
Increased damage of [Mika’s Impact] follow-up (↓↓+AorBorC>AorBorC).
Increased untechable time of the A and B versions of [Mika’s Twister] (→↓↘+AorB mid-air).
Increased input buffer window for the follow-up after [Mika’s Hip Attack] (full circle+C).
Increased GRD gain from a successful follow-up input after [Mika’s Hip Attack] (full circle+C).

■ Wagner

She’s received improvements to her strike attack pokes and pressure across the board, with adjustments to her range to improve her offensive control when connecting with strike attacks and after getting in on the opponent.
Standing C and Dashing C while the sword is powered up have better frontal hitboxes, making for powerful options for controlling space and connecting with the opponent while grounded.
Her faster backstep movement also makes it easier for her to dodge the opponent’s attacks, making her quick movement in neutral and counter-pokes even more effective means of controlling space.
For her pressure, the additional hitstop the first hit of →+B causes to the opponent makes strings such as →+B > Crouching A (whiff) more potent, opening up powerful offensive options after making contact with the opponent.
[Schild Zack] can more easily hit knocked down opponents, making it more likely to combo even when Dashing C hits from far range.

Sped up timing of the beginning of movement during backstep, and increased landing recovery. There is no change to overall frames in total.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing C.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Increased Standing C.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Dashing C while the sword is powered up.
Expanded upper hitbox of [Filthy Dog!] (↓+A+B).
Increased opponent hitstop after blocking the first hit of →+B.
Increased knockback duration from the first hit of →+B against standing opponents.
Expanded the hitbox of the second hit of →+B only during combos.
Expanded lower hitbox of [Schild Zack] (B+C).
Expanded lower hitbox of Increased [Schild Zack] (B+C).
Decreased starter damage proration of the B version of [Kugel Blitz] (↓↘→+B).
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Wackenroder] (→↓↘+A) gains head property invincibility.
The B version of [Wackenroder] (→↓↘+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of [Wackenroder] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Decreased interval between damage ticks from the additional damage from the EX version of [Lohe Garde] (↓↓+C) while the sword and shield are powered up.
Increased untechable time of Increased [Sturm Schlag] (↓↘→+AorB mid-air).

■ Enkidu

While highlighting his battle style focusing on countering attacks from the opponent and considering his struggles to score damage from neutral, we’ve improved his mix-up options to give him formidable pressure once he makes contact.
The B version of [Stance of Reversal] offers high reward with the adjustments to its damage, damage proration, and blowback when the counterattack hits.
We’ve adjusted the properties of the EX version of [Stance of Reversal] so that all hits are more likely to connect even when not used directly after Chain Shift.
For his offensive, [Armor Drill] is now a command throw that cannot be escaped with a throw tech, greatly improving his mix-up potential. In exchange, it has lower damage and shorter range.
As well, the B version of [Thunder Stomp] opens up less space when blocked, creating opportunities to extend pressure or go for [Armor Drill].
The adjustments to the universal mechanics mean that Havoc can apply even when hitting an opponent during Shield, opening up new potential when going on the offense.

Decreased startup of Dashing C.
Increased damage of Increased ↘+C.
Increased damage of Increased ←+C.
Expanded back hitbox of the EX version of [Three Precept Strike] (↓↘→+C) as the move comes out.
Delayed the timing when the A and B versions of [Chained Kick] (→↓↘+AorB) gains head property invincibility.
The second hit of the EX version of [Chained Kick] (→↓↘+C) can now be canceled into Chain Shift on hit.
The EX version of [Chained Kick] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Increased damage of the B version of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+B).
Decreased damage proration of the B version of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+B).
Changed opponent blowback of the B version of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+B) counterattack after enduring an attack.
Increased opponent hitstop from the B version of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+B) counterattack after enduring an attack.
Decreased startup of the A and B versions of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+AorB) counterattack after enduring an attack.
Increased active frames of the A and B versions of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+AorB) counterattack after enduring an attack.
Increased number of hits and damage of the EX version of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+C), making it easier to land all of the hits. However, the properties remain unchanged when used directly after Chain Shift.
Increased startup of the EX version of [Stance of Reversal] (↓↙←+C) counterattack after enduring an attack when used directly after Chain Shift.
This fixes an issue where the counterattack could hit during the time freeze, causing unintended behavior.
The B version of [Thunder Stomp] (↓↓+B) creates less distance with the opponent on block.
Expanded frontal hitbox of the A and B versions of [Thunder Stomp] (↓↓+AorB).
Increased untechable time of the A and B versions of [Thunder Stomp] (↓↓+AorB).
Expanded frontal hitbox of the B version of Increased [Thunder Stomp] (↓↓+B).
The B version of Increased [Thunder Stomp] (↓↓+B) creates less distance with the opponent on block.
Decreased damage of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
Increased damage proration of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
Increased recovery proration of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
Shrunk frontal hitbox of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
Increased startup of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
Increased recovery of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
Increased untechable time of [Armor Drill] (full circle+C).
[Armor Drill] (full circle+C) now grabs the opponent’s hurtbox, rather than their collision box.
[Armor Drill] (full circle+C) can no longer be escaped with a throw tech.
Adjusted damage proration and base damage proration of [Spiral Dual Palm Strike] (←↙↓↘→+D) to avoid the damage becoming unnaturally low even when used in combos with lower damage proration.

■ Londrekia

We’ve focused on creating more freedom in options for him using his core [Circular Step] move.
The follow-up version of Increased [Circular Step: Serpentine Tail] previously could only work in limited combo routes, however the new hitbox of the leaping part that only activates during combos opens up new routes to make the move more viable.
The change to the blowback of the finisher version of [Circular Step: Serpentine Tail] on hit leaves the opponent closer, allowing for further attacks or okizeme options.
The startup of [Hail Storm] is faster only during combos. This makes it easier to combo before [Circular Step: Serpentine Tail] slams the opponent down, as well as easier to go for more hits after firing [Frozen Spire] at far range.
On the other hand, we’ve reassessed the properties of [Icicle Rain] as it was hard to counter and offered high reward. It remains just as easy to connect with, but changes to the reward on it or block balance things out.

Decreased recovery of Crouching C.
Decreased starter damage proration of the EX version of [Frozen Spire].
Fixed an issue causing the projectile hitbox to remain even after taking a damage during the B version of Increased [Frozen Spire] (↓↘→+B).
Changed opponent blowback from [Circular Step: Serpentine Tail] (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorB>C) on hit.
Changed opponent blowback from Increased [Circular Step: Serpentine Tail] (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorB>C) on hit.
Added a hitbox to Increased [Circular Step: Serpentine Tail] (↓↙←+AorBorC>AorB>C) that only connects during combos.
Fixed an issue causing the hitbox from [Snow Blossom] (↓↓+AorBorC) not to function as a projectile.
Fixed an issue causing the hitbox from Increased [Snow Blossom] (↓↓+AorB) not to function as a projectile.
Changed opponent blowback from [Icicle Rain] (↓↘→+B+C mid-air) on hit.
Decreased opponent hitstop from [Icicle Rain] (↓↘→+B+C mid-air).
Decreased startup of [Hail Storm] (←↙↓↘→+D) during combos.
[Hail Storm] (←↙↓↘→+D) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Adjusted damage proration and base damage proration of [Hail Storm] (←↙↓↘→+D) to avoid the damage becoming unnaturally low even when used in combos with lower damage proration.

■ Tsurugi

We’ve made broad improvements to his kit to further push his strengths as a character.
The timing of the counter window during Increased Jumping C is slightly faster now to make it easier to intentionally cancel out attacks and offer more reward on success. These improvements make this move a bigger threat to the opponent.
[Breaker!] and [Land Grader!] deal better damage, adding to his potential when the shield is readied. [Breaker!] especially deals excellent damage in combos compared to other special moves, making it particularly decisive.
The EX version of [Jaw Crusher!] leaves the opponent in a crumpled state on hit, making it easier to continue attacking. It no longer causes bound on hit, so it works well mid-combo as well.

Increased movement speed as the movement starts during backstep.
Decreased startup of Standing A.
Decreased recovery of Standing C.
Increased opponent knockback duration from Standing C on grounded hit.
Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing C.
Increased damage of Increased Jumping C.
Decreased recovery proration of Increased Jumping C.
Decreased starter recovery proration of Increased Jumping C.
Increased untechable time of Increased Jumping C.
Sped up timing when Increased Jumping C can endure an attack.
Increased active frames of Dashing C.
Increased damage of [Breaker!] (B+C>AorBorC).
Increased damage of [Land Grader!] (B+C>↓+AorBorC).
Decreased damage proration of [Land Grader!] (B+C>↓+AorBorC).
Increased untechable time of the first to third hits of [Land Grader!] (B+C>↓+AorBorC).
Fixed an issue with frames before the end of the [Skid-Scare Loader!] follow-up (B+C>→→ or →+A+B) during which an attack could not be endured.
Decreased starter damage proration of [Smart Piler!] (↓↘→+B).
Delayed timing when the A version of [Trebuchet!] (→↓↘+A) gains head property invincibility.
Increased damage of the A and B versions of [Jaw Crusher!] (↓↙←+AorB).
Changed opponent blowback from the EX version of [Jaw Crusher!] (↓↙←+C) on hit.

■ Kaguya

We’ve greatly improved her grounded pokes, pushing her strong range and far-reaching projectiles.
Standing B and the A version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash] have extended range now, giving her a leg up even against characters who specialize in fighting from mid range.
The EX version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash] now draws the opponent in even on hit of the first and second attacks, making it easier to hit multiple times even against aerial opponents. On the other hand, as it opened up exceptionally high combo damage as a starter, we have reassessed the starter damage proration.
[Dance Without Rest: Flower of Overflowing Light] follow-up 2 can be canceled into Chain Shift to lead into combos, but previously landing hits after was inconsistent. We’ve adjusted the hitstop on the opponent to make it easier to combo after. It also has better frame advantage when hit on its own, making it more viable as a punish from mid-range.

Expanded frontal hitbox of Standing A.
Decreased recovery of Standing A.
Expanded frontal and lower hitbox of Standing B.
Increased damage of Standing C.
Increased duration of the cancel window of Standing C on block.
Shrunk frontal hitbox of Crouching A.
Decreased startup of Crouching A.
Increased active time of Jumping B.
Expanded hitbox of ↘+C inward.
Increased opponent hitstop from [Dance Without Rest: Flower of Overflowing Light] follow-up 2 (B+C>→+AorBorC) on hit.
Expanded frontal hitbox of the A version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash] (↓↘→+A).
Decreased startup of the B version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash] (↓↘→+B).
Increased active frames of the B version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash] (↓↘→+B).
Increased duration of the cancel window of the B version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash] (↓↘→+B) on hit.
Increased starter damage proration of the EX version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash].
Added a vacuum effect to the first and second attacks of the EX version of [A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash].
Expanded frontal hitbox of the A version of [Moonlight Double Flash] (↓↘→+A>→+AorBorC).
Expanded frontal hitbox of the B version of [Moonlight Double Flash] (↓↘→+B>→+AorBorC) as the move comes out.
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Lack Leaves a Hole in the Heart: Rising Crescent] (→↓↘+A) gains head property invincibility.
Fixed an issue causing unintended behavior during the B version of [Lack Leaves a Hole in the Heart: Rising Crescent] (→↓↘+B) depending on the direction the character was facing.
When the A or B version of [Lack Leaves a Hole in the Heart: Rising Crescent] (→↓↘+AorB) do not hit, the landing recovery can no longer be canceled.
The EX version of [Lack Leaves a Hole in the Heart: Rising Crescent] (→↓↘+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using the A or B versions of [A Bloom in the Darkness: Lunar Blossom] (↓↙←+AorB) or (↓↙←+AorB mid-air), you can now use aerial [A Bloom in the Darkness: Lunar Blossom] again before landing.
Expanded lower hitbox of the projectile part of the EX version of [A Bloom in the Darkness: Lunar Blossom] (↓↙←+C) or (↓↙←+C mid-air).
The opponent blowback from the first hit of the EX version of [A Bloom in the Darkness: Lunar Blossom] (↓↙←+C) or (↓↙←+C mid-air) no longer counts as a bound.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Only in Dreams Does One Walk Diaphanous: Hazy Step] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air), you can now use aerial [Only in Dreams Does One Walk Diaphanous: Hazy Step] again before landing.
[Dance Elegantly in the Light: Moonlit Palette] (←↙↓↘→+D) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Adjusted damage proration and base damage proration of [Dance Elegantly in the Light: Moonlit Palette] (←↙↓↘→+D) to avoid the damage becoming unnaturally low even when used in combos with lower damage proration.

■ Kuon

We’ve made broad overall balance adjustments, as all of his options met a high standard. He retains his ability to poke with projectiles and interrupt the opponent’s approaches, with some limitations to his ability to launch his own offense.
As strings using [Heavenly Law] were easy to initiate and hard for the opponent to counter, we’ve adjusted its mix-up potential and reward on hit.
On the other hand, characters with low profile moves had a major advantage against him, so we have revised his hitboxes that didn’t cover enough low space to make his pokes more viable.
The bigger hitbox below for Jumping A makes it easier to reach shorter characters in a standing state when performed directly after jumping, meaning he can go for aerial escapes while also throwing out a counter-poke.
Jumping C now hits lower down as the attack comes out, meaning Assault > Jumping C is more likely to connect with opponents in low profile states. This makes it viable to use Assault as a counter against opponents going for low pokes.

Expanded lower hitbox of Standing A.
Expanded lower hitbox of Standing B.
Expanded lower hitbox of Jumping A.
Expanded lower hitbox of Jumping C as the attack comes out.
Decreased starter damage proration of →+C.
Expanded frontal and lower hitbox of →+C.
→+C can now be canceled into Chain Shift on whiff.
↘+C can now be canceled into Chain Shift and no other actions when blocked.
Decreased acceleration of forward movement during [Heavenly Law] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air).
Decreased momentum carried over when performing another action after [Heavenly Law] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Heavenly Law] (B+C) or (B+C mid-air), you can now use aerial [Heavenly Law] again before landing.
Added landing recovery to [Heavenly Law] follow-up 1 (B+C>D) or (B+C>D mid-air).
Decreased damage of [Heavenly Law] follow-up 2 (B+C>AorBorC) or (B+C>AorBorC mid-air).
Fixed an issue causing unintended variation in the opponent’s GRD gain when blocking [Heavenly Law] follow-up 2 (B+C>AorBorC) or (B+C>AorBorC mid-air) depending on how many frames had passed during the move.
Expanded lower hitbox of the A and B versions of [Void-Piercing Shadow] (↓↘→+AorB).
Decreased active frames of [Vortex of Chaos] (↓↘→+AorB>AorBorC) or (↓↘→+AorB>AorBorC mid-air).
Decreased recovery of the EX version of [Mantle of Nothingness] (→↓↘+C) or (→↓↘+C mid-air).
Increased hitstop on opponent from the final hit of the EX version of [Mantle of Nothingness] (→↓↘+C) or (→↓↘+C mid-air) on hit.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using the B version of aerial [Mantle of Nothingness] (→↓↘+B mid-air), you can now use the aerial B version of [Mantle of Nothingness] again before landing.
Decreased active frames of the A and B versions of [Vortex of Chaos] (↓↓+AorB) or (↓↓+AorB mid-air).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using the A or B versions of aerial [Vortex of Chaos] (↓↓+AorB) or (↓↓+AorB mid-air), you can now use aerial [Vortex of Chaos] again before landing.
Shrunk the hitbox of the A version of [Barrier of Isolation] (↓ hold ↑+A) as the attack comes out.
Increased cancel window duration when the A version of [Barrier of Isolation] (↓ hold ↑+A) can be canceled into Chain Shift.
The A version of [Barrier of Isolation] (↓ hold ↑+A) can now only be canceled into Chain Shift and no other actions on whiff.
Delayed the timing of the cancel window to cancel the A version of [Barrier of Isolation] (↓ hold ↑+A) into Chain Shift on whiff.
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Barrier of Isolation] (↓ hold ↑+A) gains head property invincibility.
The EX version of [Barrier of Isolation] (↓ hold ↑+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Adjusted damage proration and base damage proration of [The Silent Orchard of the Abyss] (←↙↓↘→+D) to avoid the damage becoming unnaturally low even when used in combos with lower damage proration.

■ Uzuki

We’ve made broad improvements to her kit, as some moves were impractical to use in actual matches. We’ve focused on improving her moves that lead into mix-up strings to give her a more unique offense.
The additional active frames for [Mist for Vanity] give it better utility as a poke. It also has faster landing recovery, meaning she can throw out projectiles at low-risk.
[Bag of Secrets] is shorter from start to end, making it easier to put out an item after combos. The item type to be thrown also carries over to the next round now, opening up options for strategies between rounds.
The A+D version of [Gorging Coffin] has faster startup. When Uzuki can move before the opponent, if she gets on the coffin she can force the opponent to consider her mix-up options.

The opponent’s health gradually depletes while the poison status icon is flashing.
Fixed an issue causing disparity between the height of her crouching collision box with that of other characters.
Increased damage of Smart Steer.
Decreased recovery of backstep.
Decreased startup of Standing A.
Increased opponent knockback duration of Jump C on hit.
Increased opponent’s recovery after blocking Jumping C.
Increased untechable time of Jumping C.
Decreased startup of hitbox for ←+C that connects with grounded opponents.
Fixed an error causing ↘+C not to count as crouching state.
Shrunk upper hurtbox of [Melt and Lurk] (B+C).
Sped up the timing when [Melt and Lurk] (B+C) gains projectile invincibility.
Decreased startup of [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
Decreased recovery of [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
Added an icon to display the next item that will be thrown with [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
The item type thrown with [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C) now carries over between rounds.
Increased effect duration when the poison status icon lights up as a result of [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
Adjusted search range that determines whether or not the doll from [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C) is close to the opponent. This adjustment alleviates the problem where the doll would attack a different direction when summoned near the opponent.
Decreased startup of Increased [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
Decreased recovery of Increased [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
Sped up the timing when the second item is thrown during Increased [Bag of Secrets] (↓+B+C).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Float with Parasol] (B+C mid-air), you can now use [Float with Parasol] again before landing.
Added foot property invincibility to the A version of [Ride on Bones] (↓↘→+A).
Decreased recovery of Increased [Trap of Death] (↓↙←+BorC).
Decreased startup of the A+D version of [Gorging Coffin] (↓↙←+AorBorC>←+D>A+D) or (↓↙←+AorBorC>A+D mid-air).
Fixed an issue causing a lower jump during [Trap of Death] follow-up 1 (↓↙←+A>←+D>↖or↑or↗).
Increased active frames of [Mist for Vanity] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air).
Added invincibility to low A attacks for [Mist for Vanity] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air) during startup.
Decreased landing recovery of the A and B versions of [Mist for Vanity] (↓↘→+AorB mid-air).
Increased damage of aerial [Trap of Death] (↓↙←+AorBorC mid-air).
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using aerial [Trap of Death] (↓↙←+AorBorC mid-air), you can now use aerial [Trap of Death] again before landing.
The EX version of [Ride on Bones] (↓↘→+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.

■ Eltnum

We’ve removed unwieldy parts from her combos to open up more potential strings, emphasizing her strength at mid range.
Increased Standing C into C>C has longer reach than the standard C>C string, making it less likely to whiff even from maximum range. It also has a better upward hitbox, leading to more routes into combos from long range.
The additional active frames for →+C mean that when hitting from maximum range with the end of the active frames, it is hard to punish even after defending with Shield, making for very effective pressure.
We’ve reassessed the guaranteed damage from the EX versions of [Etherlite Air] and [Air Slide]. This is to address the fact that [Etherlite Air] dealt better damage and led to a better situation on hit, meaning that [Slide Air] did not fulfill its intended purpose.

Added an outline to the remaining bullets icon to improve visibility.
Decreased starter damage proration of Increased Standing C.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using air backdash (←←or←+A+B mid-air), you can now use air backdash again before landing.
Increased active frames of →+C.
Increased opponent knockback duration of →+C on grounded hit.
Increased active frames of Increased →+C.
Expanded upper hitbox of C>C.
Expanded frontal and upper hitbox of Increased C>C.
Expanded upper hitbox of the EX version of [Hollow Point].
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+A) can be canceled on whiff.
Increased untechable time of the A version of [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+A).
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+A) gains head property invincibility.
The B version of [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Decreased guaranteed damage of the EX version of [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+C) or (→↓↘+C mid-air).
The EX version of [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+C) or (→↓↘+C mid-air) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using theA version of aerial [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+A mid-air), you can now use aerial [Etherlite Air] again before landing.
The B version of aerial [Etherlite Air] (→↓↘+B mid-air) can now be canceled into EX special moves on hit or block.
The EX version of [Etherlite Ground] (↓↙←+C) can be canceled into Chain Shift on hit.
Fixed an issue causing the opponent to sometimes go off-screen when the B version of Increased [Etherlite Ground] (↓↙←+B) hit.
Expanded the upper collision box of the EX version of [Slash Sync] (←↓↙+C).
The EX version of [Slash Sync] (←↓↙+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Expanded upper hurtbox of the B version of [Air Slide] (↓↙←+B mid-air) after landing.
Increased guaranteed damage of the EX version of [Air Slide] (↓↙←+C mid-air).
Expanded upper hitbox of the EX version of [Air Slide] (↓↙←+C mid-air) as it comes out.
[Barrel Replica] (←↙↓↘→+D) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.

■ Akatsuki

We’ve improved the cornerstone moves of his neutral game to make it easier for him to create advantageous situations.
The B version of Increased [Blitz Shot] has faster startup and can be used to approach while negating the opponent’s projectiles.
[Heavy Assault Protection] has faster startup and less recovery. This both makes it easier to land at close range and also means that Akatsuki can move first even when the opponent has enough time to block, forcibly creating his own turn.
We’ve fixed an error where the Counter Hit vulnerability window for Increased Jumping →+C was unintentionally brief.

Increased damage of Close range Standing C.
When using Chain Shift mid-air after using [Double Jump] (↖or↑or↗ mid-air), you can now use [Double Jump] again before landing.
Expanded upper hitbox of [Jaw Crusher] (→+C).
Increased Counter Hit vulnerability window of [Skull Crusher] (→+C mid-air).
Increased Counter Hit vulnerability window of Increased [Skull Crusher] (→+C mid-air).
Expanded upper and lower counter range of aerial [Reflector] (B+C mid-air).
Decreased recovery after enduring an attack with aerial [Reflector] (B+C mid-air).
Decreased startup of the B version of Increased [Blitz Shot] (↓↘→+B).
Added invincibility to low A attacks to aerial [Blitz Shot] (↓↘→+AorBorC mid-air) during startup.
The A version of [Human Cannon] (↓↓+A) can be canceled on hit until the end of the movement.
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Human Cannon] (↓↓+A) can be canceled on whiff.
Delayed the timing when the A version of [Human Cannon] (↓↓+A) gains head property invincibility.
The B version of [Human Cannon] (↓↓+B) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
The EX version of [Human Cannon] (↓↓+C) now maintains throw invincibility during the invincibility frames.
Decreased startup of the [Heavy Assault Protection] (↓↘→+B+C) counterattack after enduring an attack.
Decreased recovery of the [Heavy Assault Protection] (↓↘→+B+C) counterattack after enduring an attack.