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「UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes」[Ver.1.05]アップデート内容について(2024年6月20日 10:00追記)
PS4/PS5版 および Steam版「UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes」 について、[Ver.1.05]アップデートを実施いたしました。
Switch版についても、2024年06月20日(木) 00:00(JST)アップデートを実施しました。
*English information can be found at the bottom
・ギャラリーのアイテム購入でアンロックできるトロフィーについて、購入済みのアイテムを選んだ場合にもトロフィーの取得条件をチェックするようにしました。(PS4/PS5, Steam)
今後とも『UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes』をよろしくお願いいたします。
Version 1.05 mostly consists of issue fixes and readjustments to techniques that have seen their properties altered unintentionally.
Overall balance adjustments are planned to come with the next DLC character update.
Switch version updated 06/19/2024 at 15:00(UTC).
General Updates
・Fixed an issue that caused rollback to happen more often when the opponent performed a tech recovery during matches in Network Mode.
・Fixed an issue that caused the matching to be canceled when closing the Quick Select window after changing some items in it while waiting for an online match in Training Mode from the Network Mode.
・Fixed an issue that caused the character colors to sometimes return to default while waiting for an online match in Training Mode from the Network Mode.
・The check for trophy unlock conditions is now performed even when selecting previously obtained items for trophies unlocked by purchasing items in the Gallery Mode.(PS4/PS5, Steam)
・Fixed other minor issues.
Battle Updates
・Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented wall bounces from happening as intended due to camera movement.
・Throwing an opponent blocking with Shield now deals more damage, as the damage proration when throwing a blocking opponent is no longer applied.
・Damage scaling will now apply to the base damage of an Infinite Worth EXS that hits as part of a combo where an Infinite Worth already hit the opponent.
・No longer displays the “Punish” indicator when a throw connects during the recovery of the opponent’s move when it was possible to tech the throw.
・Fixed an issue that caused the EXS gauge not to deplete when being KO’ed right after launching an EX Special attack.
・Fixed an issue that caused erratic behavior when the opponent is hit during the screen freeze upon activating a Steer Ender.
・Fixed an issue that caused the recovery timing to be delayed 1 frame compared to manual input only for the opponent in Training Mode.
・Fixed an issue that caused Hyde to sometimes enter the corner when his Steer Ender connects with an opponent in the corner.
・Added an icon to indicate the power-up of the Captive Segment (Orb).
・Fixed an issue that resulted in variation in the characters’ positions when Transgressing Convict hits depending on the opponent’s character and which side of the screen the player is on.
・Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Azhi Dahaka to appear facing away from the opponent when summoning him to attack in a combo.
・Fixed an issue that caused Chaos to sometimes enter the corner when his Steer Ender connects with an opponent in the corner.
・Fixed an issue that caused Wagner to sometimes land with her back facing the opponent after Zerlegen.
・Fixed an issue that caused the multi-hit part of the EX Special attack A Fleeting Beam of Light: Moonlight Flash to be canceled out by single-hit projectiles.
・Increased the buffer time to input the follow-up move to Dance Without Rest: Flower of Overflowing Light when the dodge is successful.
・Fixed an issue that caused the EX version of Etherlite Ground to whiff against downed opponents.
・Adjusted the opponent’s position so that Akatsuki will not pass through to the other side of the opponent when using his Infinite Worth after hitting the opponent with his Steer Ender high in the air.
・Expanded the upper hitbox of Akatsuki’s Steer Ender so that the second hit will not whiff when it hits an opponent high in the air.
Thank you for supporting UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes.
スレイヤー参戦記念!GGST スペシャルストリーマーカスタム開催!
スレイヤー参戦記念を記念した、GGST スペシャルストリーマーカスタムの開催が決定いたしました!
実況になかおさん、解説 兼 コーチにどぐらさん・もっちーさんをお迎えし、人気ストリーマーが2チームに分かれてGGSTで対戦します。
どぐらさん vs もっちーさんの、スレイヤーを使用したエキシビションマッチも開催いたしますので、お楽しみに!
『デイヴ・ザ・ダイバー ANNIVERSARY EDITION』本日発売!
「Early Summer Sale」開催!
本日より2024年6月12日(水)まで、PlayStation Store、ニンテンドーeショップ、Steamにて、アークシステムワークス 「Early Summer Sale」を開催中です。
「スレイヤー」の参戦も決定し、ますまず盛り上がりを見せる『GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-』、ロールバックコード採用で快適なプレイが楽しめる『BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle』、三国志の世界でも大暴れ『くにおくんの三国志だよ全員集合!』ほか、バラエティ豊かなタイトルがお得な価格でお楽しみいただけます。
『GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-』 セール価格¥1,995(50%オフ) |
『BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE』 セール価格¥1,045(75%オフ) |
『くにおくんの三国志だよ全員集合!』 セール価格¥2,618(30%オフ) |
「Early Summer Sale」 セールタイトル ラインナップ
PlayStation5 /PlayStation4 タイトル
Title | 販売価格 | 割引率 | 割引価格 |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- | 50% | ¥1,995 | |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- シーズンパス1 | 50% | ¥1,375 | |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- シーズンパス 2 | 30% | ¥1,925 | |
GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- | 90% | ¥303 | |
GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- | 67% | ¥2,105 | |
GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 | ¥4,888 | 67% | ¥1,613 |
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle | 75% | ¥1,045 | |
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle スペシャルエディション | 75% | ¥1,870 | |
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Ver 2.0 Expansion Pack | 75% | ¥742 | |
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Add. Character Pack 1-7 | 75% | ¥611 | |
くにおくんの三国志だよ全員集合! | 30% | ¥2,618 | |
くにおくん ザ・ワールド クラシックスコレクション | 50% | ¥2,745 | |
Double Dragon IV | 50% | ¥407 | |
コードシフター | 80% | ¥400 |
Nintendo Switch タイトル
Title | 販売価格 | 割引率 | 割引価格 |
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle | 75% | ¥1,045 | |
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle スペシャルエディション | 75% | ¥1,870 | |
BlazBlue Centralfiction Special Edition | 75% | ¥1,222 | |
くにおくんの三国志だよ全員集合! | 30% | ¥2,618 | |
くにおくん ザ・ワールド クラシックスコレクション | 50% | ¥2,745 | |
Double Dragon IV | 50% | ¥407 | |
コードシフター | 80% | ¥400 |
Steam タイトル
Title | 販売価格 | 割引率 | 割引価格 |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- | 50% | ¥1,995 | |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- デアデビルエディション | 30% | ¥6,930 | |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- シーズンパス1 | 50% | ¥1,375 | |
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- シーズンパス 2 | 30% | ¥1,925 | |
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle | 75% | ¥950 | |
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Special Edition | 75% | ¥1,700 | |
GUILTY GEAR | 68% | ¥384 | |
GUILTY GEAR 2 -Overture- | 81% | ¥376 | |
GUILTY GEAR Isuka | 68% | ¥313 | |
GUILTY GEAR X2 #Reload | 68% | ¥313 | |
GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 | 67% | ¥983 | |
GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 Deluxe Edition | 67% | ¥1,313 | |
GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- | 90% | ¥298 | |
GUILTY GEAR XX Accent Core Plus R | 77% | ¥340 | |
ダウンタウン乱闘行進曲マッハ | 67% | ¥495 | |
くにおくんの三国志だよ全員集合! | 30% | ¥2,618 |