
ARC WORLD TOUR FINALS 2022 Finalist Interviews MOCCHI

アークシステムワークスは、2023年3月12日(日本時間)に「ARC WORLD TOUR 2022」の決勝大会を開催します。決勝大会に参加するファイナリストをインタビュー形式でご紹介いたします。

今回はGUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-部門のJOZ/もっちー選手を紹介!

Arc System Works will host the finals of the “ARC WORLD TOUR 2022” to be held on March 11, 2023 (PST). The finalists who will participate in the finals are introduced in the form of interviews.

This time we introduce JOZ / MOCCHI, a player in the GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- !
Japanese is posted in the original text.



Q3.ARC WORLD TOUR 2022の予選大会を振り返って感想を聞かせて下さい。
各国の強豪プレイヤーが参加した大会で、ギリギリの試合内容が多く、優勝はできましたが、勝った気がしなかった、というのが正直な感想です。 初めて訪れる国での大会ということもあり、調整の難しさも感じました。








Q1.Briefly introduce yourself.
I’m Mocchi, a player for JOZ. Thanks for having me.

Q2.Tell us about your background with fighting games.
The first fighting game I really got into was GGXX (the original release). In the past I’ve played a lot of the GGXX series, the GG Xrd series, GBVS, GGST, and such.

Q3.Looking back, what are your thoughts on the ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 qualifier tournaments?
There were top players from many countries in the tournament, and a lot of really close matches. Although I came in first, to be honest it didn’t truly feel like I “won.” It was also my first time visiting the country, so I felt how tough it is to adjust.

Q4.Which player in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
That would be UMISHO. Personally I’m on the alert for her, as I feel she plays differently from players here in Japan.

Q5.Which character in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
Sol, when played by players from abroad. As a fellow Sol main, I’m really interested to see how they play him.

Q6.What would you consider your specialty and appeal as a player?
My concentration.

Q7.Please share your motivation for the finals tournament and a word for the fans.
Leading up to the finals, I want to work on counterplay for each player and character, and gain confidence that I can win it. I’ll work hard to come out victorious!

Q8.Finally, please share a free comment!
Please cheer me on!


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ARC WORLD TOUR FINALS 2022 Finalist Interviews MysticSmash

Arc System Works will host the finals of the “ARC WORLD TOUR 2022” to be held on March 11, 2023 (PST). The finalists who will participate in the finals are introduced in the form of interviews.

This time we introduce Vexed Gaming/MysticSmash, a player in the DNF Duel!
English is posted in the original text.

アークシステムワークスは、2023年3月12日(日本時間)に実施される「ARC WORLD TOUR 2022」の決勝大会を開催します。決勝大会に参加するファイナリストをインタビュー形式でご紹介いたします。

今回はDNF Duel部門のVexed Gaming/MysticSmash選手を紹介!


Q1.Briefly introduce yourself.
Hello! My name is Callum White, or “MysticSmash” and I represent Vexed Gaming as a fighting game player. I’m from Liverpool, England and have always had a love for the fighting game genre since I was quite young. I was not able to travel to offline events for a very long time due to other commitments, and it was mostly from 2020 that I was able to become a competitor through online competitions.

Q2.Tell us about your background with fighting games.
My background for fighting games is varied! I enjoy just about any 2D fighting game and if given the opportunity will try it and have fun with them. My first experience of fighting games was as a child watching my parents play them, and I eventually would also try those same fighting games. Due to being varied, I have been able to make a lot of friends and a lot of lovely experiences through a lot of different communities in the FGC.

Q3.Looking back, what are your thoughts on the ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 qualifier tournaments?
Thankfully, I was able to attend quite a few ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 qualifier tournaments (EVO, VSFighting, CEOtaku, The MIXUP) and had an amazing time at all of them. The level of competition at every qualifier tournament was spectacular and had emotions running high. I can only hope that they are expanded upon in the future, such as more placements for the Finals, or a ‘points’ system for more incentive to travel to multiple qualifiers!

Q4.Which player in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
The player in my Finals for DNF Duel I will be keeping the sharpest eye on is Kikyochan. He has an extraordinary mastery with the Ranger that I would be nervous to play against again. The Ranger. In my opinion, is very hard to make a solid game-plan around, and his keep-away playstyle makes it irritating for my characters to engage.

Q5.Which character in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
As for character, the answer can be Ranger, but also the Crusader. After the DNF Duel Grand Patch, the character Crusader has gotten a lot of popularity amongst many players, and I believe GO1 will be representing the character at the Finals, and maybe others? He will be an unstoppable force!

Q6.What would you consider your specialty and appeal as a player?
My specialty as a player may be my reserved playstyle. I am often told that I do not commit to risky options and play passively, yet effectively. In other titles, such as Guilty Gear Strive, I gained appeal as a character specialist playing Axl Low, and I hope to garner the same reputation at the Finals when I play Vanguard!

Q7.Please share your motivation for the finals tournament and a word for the fans.
This Finals for DNF Duel is going to be the biggest stakes tournament I have been a participant in, and my excitement for it is immeasurable! No matter what, I will feel honoured to be amongst the greatest players of the game and know that I worked very hard to get to that stage. I hope that I can do the United Kingdom proud and bring home the win for those who will be cheering me on!

Q8.Finally, please share a free comment!
One last thing I can say is that my journey would not be possible without my wonderful partner Layla, who motivates me every day and is always by my side. I love you!


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はじめまして、Vexed Gaming所属の格闘ゲームプレイヤーのCallum White・MysticSmashです。イギリスのLiverpool出身で、若いころからずっと格闘ゲームが好きでした。忙しくてしばらくオフライン大会までの移動が難しい状況でして、2020年のオンライン大会のおかげで参加できる機会が増えました。


Q3.ARC WORLD TOUR 2022の予選大会を振り返って感想を聞かせて下さい。
ありがたいことに、ARC WORLD TOUR2022の予選大会にいくつか参加できました(EVO、VSFighting、CEOtaku、The MIXUP)。本当に楽しい大会ばっかりでした。すべての予選大会は強豪プレイヤーが多く、かなり緊張しました。今後のAWTで決勝大会の出演選手が増えたり、複数の予選大会に参加される選手が自然と増えるようにポイント制のシステムなどで、どんどんと規模が大きくなることを願っています!




今回のDNF Duelの決勝大会は自分が今まで参加した大会の中で一番賞金などがかかっている大会で、伝えきれないほど楽しみにしています!結果はどうなっても、DNF Duelの最強プレイヤーの一人として参加できたことを光栄に思っていますし、この舞台に立てるように自分が努力を重ねてきたのも間違いないです。イギリスで応援してくれている皆様のために優勝したいです!




ARC WORLD TOUR FINALS 2022 Finalist Interviews Zando

Arc System Works will host the finals of the “ARC WORLD TOUR 2022” to be held on March 11, 2023 (PST). The finalists who will participate in the finals are introduced in the form of interviews.

This time we introduce Zando, a player in the Guilty Gear -Strive-!
English is posted in the original text.

アークシステムワークスは、2023年3月12日(日本時間)に「ARC WORLD TOUR 2022」の決勝大会を開催します。決勝大会に参加するファイナリストをインタビュー形式でご紹介いたします。

今回はGUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-部門のZando選手を紹介!


Q1.Briefly introduce yourself.
Hello, I am Zando, I am a fighting game player from israel, currently competing in guilty gear strive with ramlethal

Q2.Tell us about your background with fighting games.
I started off with fighting games by learning dragon ball fighterz, but I didn’t really take it seriously until I started playing guilty gear xrd when covid hit. this aligned with me becoming unemployed so I had a lot of time and a lot of motivation to improve in the game, and prepare for guilty gear strive where I would have my first chance at competing.

Q3.Looking back, what are your thoughts on the ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 qualifier tournaments?
I enjoyed the tournaments themselves mostly, however I do have to note that the qualification system for the tour did prove underwhelming, as I think it focuses too much on the wins and not enough on placing well in general.

Q4.Which player in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
The player i’m keeping an eye on the most is TY, which also happens to be my opponent in my first match. I consider him a stronger contender for the best player in the world right now, so I think he is probably the most notable threat in this tournament.

Q5.Which character in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
The character i’m keeping an eye on the most is Sol. Between The different scenes of the game, the opinions on the character varies a lot, and considering the fact that he’s being represented by 2 different players, I think we’ll get to see how he can currently perform at the top level.

Q6.What would you consider your specialty and appeal as a player?
I honestly don’t know as its hard for me to think of how my gameplay looks like from other perspectives.

Q7.Please share your motivation for the finals tournament and a word for the fans.
My motivation is to do my best and try as well as I can to get that trophy, competing in this game is very important to me, and this is the most competitive stage we’ve seen in this game, so I want to give it my all and try to grab the big win. I would like to thank my fans for supporting me throughout the tour and for supporting me while grinding and streaming the game!

Q8.Finally, please share a free comment!
bring Elphelt to strive PLEASE


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はじめまして、イスラエルの格ゲーマーZandoです。GUILTY GEAR STRIVEでラムレザルを使っています。

初めての格ゲーはドラゴンボールファイターズでしたが、本気で上達しようと頑張った初めてのタイトルは、コロナが流行り始めたばかりのタイミングで遊び始めたGUILTY GEAR Xrdでした。 その時ちょうど仕事がなくて、時間と上達したい気持ちがあり余っていて、GUILTY GEAR STRIVEに取り組めるような機会となりました。

Q3.ARC WORLD TOUR 2022の予選大会を振り返って感想を聞かせて下さい。

一番注目している選手は、初戦の相手であるTY選手です。 個人的にTY選手は今GGSTの世界一強いプレイヤーの候補だと思いますし、今回の大会で一番の脅威だと思っています。

一番注目しているキャラはソルです。 国によってかなりキャラの評価が分かれていることもある上に今回はソル使いも2人います。世界トップレベルのソルが決勝大会で観れることと思います。


今回は全力を尽くして優勝できるように頑張ります!GGSTの大会に出ることは自分にとってすごく大事なことで、今回の大会は今までで一番大きな舞台だと思うので優勝できるように頑張りたいです。 これまでのツアー中と、練習の配信などで応援してくださったファンの皆様に感謝を伝えたいです!




ARC WORLD TOUR FINALS 2022 Finalist Interviews YuSeongCha

아크시스템웍스는 2023년 3월 12일 (한국시간)에 개최되는 「ARC WORLD TOUR 2022」의 결승 대회를 개최합니다. 결승 대회에 참가하는 파이널리스트를 인터뷰 형식으로 여러분께 소개해 드리고자 합니다. DNF Duel 부문, EGO/YuSeongCha 선수를 소개합니다!
※한국어의 경우, 원문 그대로 게재하고 있습니다.

Arc System Works will host the finals of the “ARC WORLD TOUR 2022” to be held on March 11, 2023 (PST). The finalists who will participate in the finals are introduced in the form of interviews.

This time we introduce EGO/YuSeongCha, a player in the DNF Duel!
Korean is posted in the original text.

アークシステムワークスは、2023年3月12日(日本時間)に「ARC WORLD TOUR 2022」の決勝大会を開催します。決勝大会に参加するファイナリストをインタビュー形式でご紹介いたします。

今回はDNF Duel部門のEGO/YuSeongCha選手を紹介!


Q1.간단하게 자기 소개를 부탁드립니다
격투게임 크루 EGOISM을 이끌어가고 있는 격투게임 플레이어 YuSeongCha입니다.

Q2.격투 게임 플레이 경력을 말씀해 주세요
2018년 “드래곤볼 파이터즈”를 통해 격투게임에 처음 입문하게 되어, 그 이후로 아크시스템웍스의 게임에 빠져서 “길티기어 시리즈”, “그랑블루 판타지 버서스” 등을 플레이하다가 “DNF Duel”까지 플레이하게 되었습니다. “ARCREVO Korea ONLINE 2020”에서 처음으로 공식대회에서 입상하게 되었는데, 이렇게 월드투어 파이널 무대까지 올라오게 되어 영광입니다.

Q3.ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 예선 대회를 돌아보며, 감상을 들려주실 수 있을까요?
제가 우승했던 “REV MAJOR PH 2022” 이외에도, 여러 해외 대회에 참가하고 또 모든 대회 영상을 챙겨봤는데, “월드 투어”라는 이름에 걸맞게 다양한 나라에서 지역별로 다른 플레이스타일을 볼 수 있어서 상당히 인상 깊었습니다. 또한 견제할 만한 강자들이 많다는 점도 느꼈습니다.

Q4.FINALS에서 가장 주목하고 있는 선수와, 그 이유를 알려 주세요.
물론 다들 상당한 실력자이기에 모두 주목 중이지만, DNF Duel을 플레이하면서 저와 가장 접점이 많았던 “nanpon” 선수가 주목됩니다.

Q5.FINALS에서 가장 주목하고 있는 캐릭터와, 그 이유를 알려 주세요.
이번 패치로 상당히 강한 캐릭터로 올라온 “크루세이더”입니다. 월드투어 파이널리스트이자 최고의 격투게임 플레이어 중 한명인 GO1 선수도 크루세이더를 사용하고 있고, kikyochan 선수 또한 최근 크루세이더를 기용하는 모습을 보여줬기 때문에 이번 파이널에서도 귀추가 주목됩니다.

Q6.플레이어로서, 스스로에 대한 강점과 매력을 알려 주세요.
저 자신이 플레이어로서 매력적인 점은, 아무래도 캐릭터를 잘 바꾸지 않는 원툴 유저라는 점과, 불리한 상황에서도 항상 역전을 바라보는 “꺾이지 않는 마음”을 가진 점이라고 말씀드리고 싶습니다. ㅎㅎ

Q7.결승 대회를 향한 각오 한 말씀과 팬 여러분에게 보내는 코멘트를 들려주세요.
어쩌다 보니 아크 월드투어 FINALS에 유일하게 진출한 한국인이 되었는데, 한국에서 항상 응원해주시는 여러분께도 실망감을 안기지 않도록 최선을 다해보겠습니다.

Q8.마지막으로 한 말씀 부탁드립니다.
이런 영광스러운 자리에 참석하게 되어 너무나 기쁘고, 무엇보다 특별 발표를 현장에서 직접 볼 수 있는 것 또한 정말 기분 좋습니다.


공식 방송

Q1.Briefly introduce yourself.
I’m YuSeongCha, fighting game player leading the fighting game team Crew EGOISM.

Q2.Tell us about your background with fighting games.
I first got into fighting games in 2018 through DRAGON BALL FighterZ and have been playing games developed by Arc System Works ever since, such as Guilty Gear series, Granblue Fantasy: Versus and DNF Duel. My very first official tournament victory was at ARCREVO Korea ONLINE 2020; I pressed on from there, and made it to the World Tour Finals, which is a great honor.

Q3.Looking back, what are your thoughts on the ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 qualifier tournaments?
In addition to winning REV MAJOR PH 2022, I’ve participated in several international tournaments and watched videos of other qualifier tournaments. Just like its name, ‘World Tour’, it was very impressive to see different playstyles from different parts of the world. I also felt that there were many formidable players out there to look out for.

Q4.Which player in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
In addition to winning REV MAJOR PH 2022, I’ve participated in several international tournaments and watched videos of other qualifier tournaments. Just like its name, ‘World Tour’, it was very impressive to see different playstyles from different parts of the world. I also felt that there were many formidable players out there to look out for.

Q5.Which character in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
I am paying attention to Crusader, who has become a very strong character after the latest patch. Both GO1, one of the top fighting game players and a World Tour finalist, and kikyochan have been using Crusader recently, so I am looking forward to see how they fare in the finals.

Q6.What would you consider your specialty and appeal as a player?
My appealing points as a player, as I see it, are that I am a steadfast player who does not easily switch main characters, and that I always have the determination to strive for victory even in disadvantageous situations.

Q7.Please share your motivation for the finals tournament and a word for the fans.
I have become the only Korean player who made it to the FINALS, and I will do my best not to disappoint those who have always supported me in Korea.

Q8.Finally, please share a free comment!
I am very happy to have this honorable opportunity, and above all, I am thrilled to be able to see the special announcement directly at the venue.


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格闘ゲームチーム”Crew EGOISM”格闘ゲーム部門所属のYuSeongChaと申します。よろしくお願いします。

2018年「DRAGON BALL FighterZ」から格ゲーを遊び始めて、その後アークシステムワークスのゲームにハマってからGuilty Gear シリーズや「Granblue Fantasy: Versus」そして「DNF Duel」までプレイすることになりました。初めての大会入賞はARCREVO korea ONLINE 2020だったんですが、こうやってワールドツアーのファイナルの舞台まで上がることができて光栄です。

Q3.ARC WORLD TOUR 2022の予選大会を振り返って感想を聞かせて下さい。
私が優勝したREV MAJOR PH 2022以外にも色んな海外の大会に参加し、また全ての対戦動画を見ましたが、ワールドツアーの名前に相応しく色んな国や地域からそれぞれのプレイスタイルを見ることができて、かなり印象的でした。そして注目すべき強豪プレイヤーたちが多いということも感じました。

もちろん皆さん実力者なので全員注目しているのですが、「DNF Duel」を遊びながら一番接点が多かったなんぽん選手に特に注目しています。







ARC WORLD TOUR FINALS 2022 Finalist Interviews GOBOU

アークシステムワークスは、2023年3月12日(日本時間)に「ARC WORLD TOUR 2022」の決勝大会を開催します。決勝大会に参加するファイナリストをインタビュー形式でご紹介いたします。

今回はGUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-部門の御傍選手を紹介!

Arc System Works will host the finals of the “ARC WORLD TOUR 2022” to be held on March 11, 2023 (PST). The finalists who will participate in the finals are introduced in the form of interviews.

This time we introduce GOBOU, a player in the GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- !
Japanese is published in the original text.



Q3.ARC WORLD TOUR 2022の予選大会を振り返って感想を聞かせて下さい。
どの大会も熱気があって良かったです。 個人的に、予選を勝ち上がったキャラがだいぶバラけていて多様性があるのが嬉しいです。



気持ちが乗っているとなかなか強いと思います。特に賞金や賞品が出るととてもやる気が出ます。 あと、大会の緊張でいつも体調を崩していますが、具合が悪くても試合に悪影響が出ることはあんまりないのが自慢です。

今までで一番かっこいい私を見せられるように頑張ります٩( ᐛ )و




Q1.Briefly introduce yourself.
I’m Gobou, a fighting game player. I usually spend my time playing fighting games.

Q2.Tell us about your background with fighting games.
I don’t know specifically how many years I’ve been playing fighting games, but I think it’s been more than 15 years since I first played one.

Q3.Looking back, what are your thoughts on the ARC WORLD TOUR 2022 qualifier tournaments?
All of the tournaments were really great and exciting. Personally, I was happy to see the variation in characters who won in the qualifiers.

Q4.Which player in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
TY. We have a history facing off in tournaments, so I think I might run into him along the way.

Q5.Which character in the finals are you keeping an eye on the most, and why?
Goldlewis Dickinson. He’s got the biggest weapon, after all.

Q6.What would you consider your specialty and appeal as a player?
I think I can be pretty strong when I’m in the zone. I get especially motivated when there’s money or a prize on the line. I’m also proud to say that even though I always get sick from tourney nerves, I don’t let it have an impact on my performance in-match.

Q7.Please share your motivation for the finals tournament and a word for the fans.
I’ll do my best to show you all my best performance ever! ٩( ᐛ )و

Q8.Finally, please share a free comment!
Take this! Secretary Drop Kick!!


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